SHOUTN TIME AT THE HOWELL AND TRLICEK HOMES LATE YESTERDAY AFTERNOON... I received a phone call from our Senior Pastor, Mike Hurt, that he had ANDY MARTIN (our original Minister of Music @ Parkway Church) with him and ANDY wanted to see us for a few minutes that he had before leaving for Houston for the next leg of his business journey. All I had to do to make this happen was to try and get Honey, Cheri, Kevin, and their boys all back at the Trlicek home in time enough for Andy and Mike to arrive so that a visit could unfold. In this process, Andy managed to text folks in Houston and managed to squeeze an extra hour or two into his schedule which made it possible for us to visit at the Trlicek home for awhile and then go out to our favorite Mexican Restaurant to continue our visit around the dinner table. I know... I know... many of you ask, Why couldnt he get by to see us as well??? In defense of Andy, he had a multitude of folks that he wanted to visit but his schedule just would not allow it. SO... Im just claiming CHARTER MEMBER PRIVILEGES in that Honey and I were one of the 10 couples who were initially commissioned by FBC to go out to the Mall and start a Mission. IN THIS PROCESS is where we developed deep, deep roots with the now world famous PASTOR ANDY MARTIN AND HIS BEAUTIFUL FAMILY OF FOUR who now continue their 15 or so year residence in Levitz, Pennsylvania where he helps to pastor a MEGA CHURCH with a multitude of venues in that location. MAY GOD KEEP THIS FINE MAN OF THE SPIRIT SAFE AS HE COMPLETES HIS BUSINESS ASSIGNMENTS ACROSS THIS GREAT LAND OF OURS... is my prayer... We have been so BLESSED by his cordial, loving visit...
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 11:58:22 +0000

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