SINGLES BEWARE OF LOCAL CHAMPIONSHIP SYNDROME In life generally people seem to be limited by their environment and exposure. In such cases they seem to scramble for what is available in their immediate environment, thinking them to be the best obtainable for them. We find them struggling for the attention of the few ladies and young men in their classes and sometimes in their fellowships, when they still walk in the flesh. The few wonderfully and fearfully made damsels in such places appear to be the best in the world to them and they by all means seem to connect to them emotionally and sometimes waste their emotions, which drags them into lusting a number of times and they claim to be in love. The females also seek the attention of those few talented young men in one thing or the other and stylishly live to please them and sorrow greatly when their efforts seem to yield no fruits. They connect themselves not being guided by the Spirit of God and make great promises of commitment to each other because they have seen themselves as champions, but little do they know that it is just the problem of local championship. Surprisingly, they leave their campuses for the service year in the case of my country Nigeria; Those from the medical schools go for housemanship and internship as the case may be and meet brighter fellows from the worlds formerly unknown to them and the glories of those champions they have known before begin the fade away like the stars of the morning, losing their lights in the glorious Sun. Then new connections and disconnections begin to take place, followed by heart breaking experiences and claims of being jilted and disappointed. It goes on normally in the world around us, but saintly pilgrims must not allow themselves to go through the same routes like the people of the world who lack divine guidance and therefore waste their emotions and go through unnecessary heartbreaks. The earth is the Lords and the fullness therein and He has positioned those that will fit into our lives in different parts of the world, knowing fully, where we shall be at every stage of life to be able to meet them. Therefore, we must not allow the plague of local championship syndrome of the others in the world, to be our portions. Known unto God are all His works from the foundation of the world.
Posted on: Fri, 31 Oct 2014 07:29:28 +0000

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