****SISTER MARY*** FINAL EPISODE *continues* Mary was - TopicsExpress


****SISTER MARY*** FINAL EPISODE *continues* Mary was buried early the next day {Tuesday} in her hometown. She was buried so fast because she was nothing but an unmarried lady, with little or no formalities required in laying her to rest. Chioma and i paid our last respect by being present in the burial ceremony which was well attended by her church members, friends and colleagues. It was quite an emotional event. Her family members were quite unconsolable expecially the elder sister who almost killed herself with grief. “We shouldn’t question God because he knows the best for us. God has a reason for calling Sister Mary. Be rest assured that she’s happy with the Lord” The Rev. In charge of the ceremony preached as her coffin was lowered into the ground. “i really can’t believe all that has happened since i met you” chioma cried and hugged me, hiding her face filled with tears on my chest. “what next?” she asked solemnly, “our happiness is next my love” i answered with deep passion. ______ Very early the next day we headed to see Chioma’s pastor who listened attentively to the conclusion of my story. “you see God has a reason for showing me that revelation. You were very lucky you got to the girl on time and she forgave you before dying. Seriously i can’t imagine what could have happened supposing she died with the pain you inflicted on her. This should be a lesson to young men. All that glitters isn’t gold. Let’s praise the Lord” the pastor said with infinite grace…. ______ Finally Chioma and I did our traditional marriage on the 25th of december as scheduled and equally did the church ceremony on holy saturday{Easter saturday} the following year. By November {few months later} we had a bouncing baby boy which sealed my happiness. However i still do remember Mary and my friend Jboy till today. Everything about them is still very fresh in my mind. I always cry each time i remember my story with Mary, and as for my son. This story will be the first he will ever get from me…… I was lucky to survive.. Please be wise in all you do. . . . THE END :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: DID YOU ENJOY THE STORY???? Then Kindly drop ur comments (impressions , suggestions, criticisms , what youve learnt from it etc). #Evans
Posted on: Tue, 29 Jul 2014 09:40:02 +0000

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