SKYFADAK CHARITY CARE Thus continues inhuman crimes for children and women as a result of remnants of war where consisted terrorist gangs like al-Qaeda terrorist and guerrilla phobic Other, who was born in the womb of the Al Qaeda terrorist organization like DAASH in Iraq more killers and deadly in women and children, there is millions of homeless children and orphans and displaced people trying our organization charity caring for them despite the fact that not enough material for our potential, but we are doing our utmost to protect the largest possible number of disadvantaged children and relentlessly persecuted without distinction so please support us morally and materially to save the largest number of children and orphans and protect them from the criminal terrorist gangs We are a charity for the care and protection of children in Iraq of our work in all parts of Iraq for the protection of children and care for orphans and sick children and we ask all people of good wil...l in the world to support us financially and morally to continue our work in protecting children wounded in Iraq by donating or providing voice to charities, business and strengthen our Women and children in Iraq un I am against war and destruction since the war, I mean, hurt and destruction, no one should be like a war, especially when all of the great powers in the world against a gang of one country in an unequal war, and attempt to destroy all signs of progress, and make the country go back to the Middle Ages, people starving to death, and inflation is killing. Missiles and bombs do not think, they hit and explode, whether you are military or civilian, or patients well, old or young, men or women, and die for you. Where do you go to hide? - Iraqi women more than 50 years Tianh war against the Iraqi people did not end in 1991 with the declaration of a cease-fire George W. Bush and instead, the war against the Iraqi people against Iraqi men, women, and children - and continue with the severity and brutality of the present day. The only change is in the form of the sound of bombs in a strange silence from a military blockade implemented. More than 300,000 Iraqis in the war the military 43 days in 1991. Since then, more than a million people, mostly young children, have died as a direct result of the blockade led by the United States on this small country. Have caused shortages of food and medicine, along with deteriorating health conditions in Iraq, much more damage and suffering of the war the military itself, despite the use of more than 142 000 tons of bombs and 350 tons of depleted uranium shells during the bombing campaigns. From a legal standpoint, and the naval blockade, in addition to the air blockade and up to an act of war, making the imposition of economic sanctions on the continuation of the war, which ended in March 1991 is assumed. What were the effects of this war, and gently pointed out that sanctions on the people of Iraq? Four million people, five of the population, and starving to death in Iraq now (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Report, 1995). The general situation of human deteriorating every day, while the situation for women in Iraq even more dangerous. Up to 95% of all pregnant women in Iraq suffer from anemia, and thus will give birth to babies, and poor suffer from malnutrition. And most of these children either die before they reach the age of five will be a result of lack of food and basic medicines or maimed permanently, either physically or mentally. Moreover, a lot of mothers, and because of the weakness of their bodies, unable to breast-feed their children. Due to rampant inflation caused by the blockade, these families lack the means to feed their children. Mothers often bring their children to the hospital for the dying. Each month in Iraq, according to a report in 1996 for UNICEF, and more than 4500 children under the age of five die from hunger. Children are the most vulnerable in this war. Has stopped twenty-three percent of all children in Iraq, growth, nearly double the rate before the war. The increased yield of 1995 Report of the Food and Agriculture and nutrition status of the Mission Evaluation states that the level of child mortality in Iraq almost five-fold since 1990. Food shortages in that annoying cause irreparable damage to an entire generation of children. Due to the use of depleted uranium (a form of nuclear war) in the military campaign against the people of Iraq, there was a significant increase in cancer cases in childhood, particularly leukemia, Hodgkins disease, and lymphoma. Diseases and congenital malformations in embryos in a similar situation, to the children of the Gulf War, has also increased from the veterans. It is expected that the rate of infant mortality in the first year of a child for up to 20% did not unprecedented. More than 2 million children die of starvation in Iraq, and more than 1,500,000 orphans crying out for help. Of the most basic human rights is the right to life, which is right for serious violations of the embargo through the deadly challenge of food and medicine. Before 1991, Iraq was to make the system more extensive and free health care in the region. Now, because of the blockade, and hospitals suffering from lack of medicines and needles, and vaccines, and anesthesia. Minor surgical procedures, such as caesarean section, and now usually conducted without any anesthesia. Women have suffered place in Iraqi society, along with everything else. Due to stifle the economy, many women lost their jobs, and the abandonment of their education, thus losing both the financial independence, as well as for the best opportunities for self-determination and liberation. After this loss seems almost trivial during a time when most women in Iraq focus all their efforts in the search for enough food and clean water to ensure survival of their families. Before the embargo, Iraq imported 70% of agricultural seeds. Seeds and fertilizers, and way too through which Iraq could feed its people and officially banned by the embargo, as well as needles and anesthesia, and medical equipment, and countless products needed to support modern medical treatments. Were destroyed water treatment plants used during the war, military, and spare parts to rebuild them prohibited by the embargo. As a result, and sewage fill the streets clean at once, and contaminated water supplies from disease is a disease that no medicine in the country. Contrary to common perception, the United Nations Resolution 986 (published details of 986), also known as food-for-oil agreement is not the solution to this human tragedy in Iraq. Published details of 986, under the circumstances the most optimistic, you may live and prosper. The deaths of hundreds of thousands of children was not justified. Indeed, killing more than half a million children under five years of the embargo. 4500 children die each month. How many must die? How should that many more mothers crying helplessly? Children are still subjected to abuses in Iraq is very dangerous and scary and suffers from considerable neglect, even in light of the changes and new changes in the regime in Iraq, and therefore appeal to the liberals of the world in the protection of children in Iraq ecent information on the consequences of the Iraq war on civilians and children only confirms a devastating picture of the situation. According to an article in the medical magazine The Lancet, there has been an excess of 100,000 civilians deaths since the invasion of Iraq in 2003. The deaths have included a substantial number of children. Carol Bellamy, UNICEFs Executive Director, has called the death of 34 children in recent bomb attacks an unconscionable slaughter of innocents.Many of those deaths have been the consequence of coalition forces actions. According to the authors of the study published in The Lancet, there has been substantially more deaths in Iraq since the war began that in the period immediately before the conflict. The killings of dozens of children in Baghdads recent bombings show, according to UNICEF, a disregard for innocent lives that recalled the recent massacre of children in Beslan, Russia.This is the third time that Iraqi children have been victims of war in that countrys recent history. The two conflicts previous to the present one were the eight-year war with Iran in the 1980s and the Gulf War in 1991, which caused considerable damage to Iraqs infrastructure. In addition, the country has been under over 12 years of comprehensive United Nations sanctions.Although after it was introduced in 1996 the Oil for Food Program (OFFP), which allowed the Iraqi government to sell oil and use the revenue to purchase humanitarian supplies, contributed to reduce the impact of the sanctions, it had significant shortcomings. Among them was Saddam Husseins decision to use the funds for personal gain rather than to improve the basic services infrastructure in the country.Previous to this last conflict, Iraqi children were already highly vulnerable to disease and malnutrition. One in four children under five years of age was chronically malnourished, and one in eight children died before their fifth birthday. This was happening on a population where almost half is under the age of 18.A limited post-war nutritional assessment carried out by UNICEF in Baghdad found that acute malnutrition has nearly doubled to what it was before the war. That assessment also found that seven out of ten children suffered from various degrees of diarrhea, which led to a loss of nutrients and often to death if not properly treated. Following this last war an already deteriorated water and sanitation system practically collapsed, leading to loss and/or contamination of piped water and greater susceptibility to contracting diarrhea.It was estimated that 270,000 children born after the war had none of the required immunizations and routine immunization services were all but disrupted. In addition, the existent stock of vaccines became useless as a result of the destruction of the cold-chain system.Hundreds of thousands tons of raw sewage are still pumped into the Tigris and Euphrates rivers every day. Because water cleaning chemicals have been looted or destroyed, the quality of water being pumped into the homes is extremely poor and leads to more frequent illness and malnutrition among children.As a consequence of all these factors, Iraq is the country that has least progressed in reducing child mortality since 1990. In the 1990s, the most significant increases in child mortality occurred in southern and central Iraq, where under-five child mortality rose from 56 to 131 per 1,000 live births. Due to lack of security, many babies are now delivered at home, and many mothers do not receive any pre-natal care.In the main cities, every day children are killed or injured when in contact with unexploded ordnance (UXO), land mines and other kinds of live ammunition littering the country. In Baghdad alone there are approximately 800 hazardous sites related to cluster bombs and dumped ammunition.The Iraq Education Survey, carried out by the Iraqi government with support from UNICEF, describes how children educational opportunities have been affected by the war. In the most affected governorates, more than 70 percent of primary school buildings lack water service. The survey shows that since March 2003, over 700 primary schools had been damaged by bombing, more than 200 had been burned and over 3,000 had been looted. After a year and a half of hostilities the suffering of civilians seems to increase, rather than decrease. Even more poignantly, that over half of the deaths caused by the occupation forces are women and children is a severe indictment against this senseless war. SKYFADAKCHARITY CARE Skyfadak charity care And the protection of children in Iraq zonaeuropa/20040504_1.htm altaie2@hotmail altaie222@yahoo ))[email protected] ,skyfadak@myway, In Iraq and Baghdad Donation: The account number. 32132033098 IBAN NO039 32132033098 SWIFT code SPRONO22 And adressé banks: SpareBank 1 SR Bank - External payments P.O Box 250 N 4066 Stavanger, Norway Jobs sent. 02002 (Privat) Jobs sent. 02008 (Bedrift) Mandag fredag - 07.00 - 21.00 Lørdag 09.00 - 16 .00 EastSouthWestNorth: The Children of Iraq مشاهدة المزيد EastSouthWestNorth: The Children of Iraq zonaeuropa EastSouthWestNorth: The Children of Iraq zonaeuropa
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 12:23:40 +0000

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