SO HOW IS RALPH GOODDALE GOING TO EXPLAIN THIS MOSQUE VISIT? Last time he tried covering for Trudeau by saying that Trudeau spoke at the convention “before” IRFAN-Canada had been designated by the government as a terrorist entity. THIS TIME THERE IS NO EXCUSE, not only is it a well-known fact that IRFAN has been banned as a charity organization, and that it had been using money it collected to support terrorist organizations, BUT also, it is known that THIS mosque has over $11,000 dollars to IRFAN. A FACT THAT I CERTAINLY WOULD HAVE CAUSED ME TO STAY AWAY FROM THIS MOSQUE is that Misbahuddin Ahmed, a former member of the mosque, was arrested in 2010 and convicted this summer on two terrorism charges. Misbahuddin was the one caught but you can bet all the directors knew where the money was being sent and its purpose. I GUESS GOODDALE will have to be quiet on this one, after all, Trudreau did tell all members of his party that “ that they will vote as the party decides, (he decides) or they will not be a member of the party. AN OPEN PARTY, JUST LIKE THE ONES IN CHINA. The Conservatives said the Liberal leaders recent visit to a mosque that had ties to extremists indicates that Justin Trudeau lacks judgment. But Trudeaus seeming indifference to the optics of visiting the Montreal-area religious centre revealed part of the Liberal Partys strategy leading up the next years federal election, say some political science experts. Trudeau wants the immigrant vote and he doesnt care if he gets attacked by the Conservatives or the media about it, said Brooke Jeffrey, professor at Concordia University. The Liberals are trying to re-establish something that has always been the strength of theirs, Jeffery said. On Friday, Trudeau visited an Islamic centre south of Montreal in a riding that the NDP took from the Liberals in the last election. QMI Agency reported that the mosque donated over $11,000 to a charity — IRFAN-Canada — that has since been designated by the government as a terrorist entity. Moreover, Misbahuddin Ahmed, a former member of the mosque, was arrested in 2010 and convicted this summer on two terrorism charges. The mosques directors said they last gave money to the charity in 2009, before the government revoked IRFANs charitable status and years before the government labelled it as a terror group. Trudeau said that if the government had a problem with the South Shore mosque, or any other mosque, the Tories should have acted on their concerns. Finance Minister Joe Oliver said Monday that Trudeaus visit to the mosque in effect seem(s) to be giving a stamp if not of approval, at least of neutrality. torontosun/2014/09/08/trudeau-will-continue-to-appeal-to-muslim-communities-say-experts
Posted on: Sat, 13 Sep 2014 17:45:30 +0000

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