SO many people to thank for such a wonderful weekend. First off - TopicsExpress


SO many people to thank for such a wonderful weekend. First off this was the biggest event I have ever put on and it was, for me anyway, the Murphys Law event. Everything sailed along smoothly until one month out. 1 problems with teacher travel- check 2 problem with teacher housing- check 3 problems with sound system- check 4 not enough closing staff- check 5 drama with payment systems- check 6 sick kid at home followed by sick mommy- check and check Those are just the major ones, there are tons of minor ones. But in general it was pretty fun. I hope people felt like they were welcomed and enjoyed the event. I want to thank Todd Yannacone and Ramona Noel Staffeld for two days of the most wonderful instruction. A special thank you to Ramona for taking time to meet with me afterwards. Taking care of the teachers was a team of people: Drivers: Amanda McCadden Darr, Evan Anders, Sami Starkey, and Aaron Farance Hosts: Hollie Nemitz and her family Setting up for the event: Cordula of the German American Society, they let us use there grand piano! Julie Autumn: helped prep paperwork, decorate the room, baby sit the venue, and she didnt even get to go to the event! Kailley Grantham for coming early and setting up the registration desk and learning the payment system on the fly. And for bringing a gigantic cup of coffee for me! Michelle Zilbert for taking charge of the registration table. David McDonald for getting ice and manning the water station with Julie Photography: Alex Boughamer and of course Lindy Towns favorite photographer Lloyd N Phillips A very special thank you goes out to Evan Anders and Whitworth University Dance Club for conjuring up for us a Saturday Night late night dance. Band breaks, Jack and Jill contests, late night and the Sunday dance for the Spokane Swing Club was DJd by the ever wonderful Joel Hunter. He also made sure I was conscious the entire event by supplying me with weekend supply of coffee! For both of these, I am eternally grateful. Sound was supplied by the Spokane Swing Club and run by the Fantastic Mr. Fox, Mr. Nick Wilkenloh. Special collaboration with Jamie Flanery and 6 Foot Swing, along with Kevin Woods for filling in the gaps and making very special last minute trips for me just to drop of sound equipment. Jack and Jill prizes were donated by Ben White (Big Sky Weekend) and Lucy Falkner (Rhythm City Mess Around). Jack and Jill was judged by Michael Darigol and Brittany Johnson. And special thanks to Mike for advising me on jack and jill stuff. Congratulations to our performers who were cajoled into performing Friday Night. Congratulations to our Jack and Jill contestants and winners who competed on Saturday! We had lots of people travel into Spokane to enjoy this event. I want to thank all those who traveled from far away to participate. And for those of you who hosted, I want to express my gratitude for opening up your home to a weary traveler and sweaty dancer. If there is anyone who I have forgotten to thank, please let me know. We have had lots of people working on this event and I do not want to forget to thank anyone who collaborated on this event with me. And lastly... There had been some statements made by Mr. Crytzer about a delinquent payment for which I take full responsibility. If you have not been updated on the situation, Mr. Crytzer has been paid in full for the performance.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 22:23:33 +0000

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