SOCIALMEDIA NOT ALL THAT SOCIAL/REAL POWER OF VIRTUAL PROTEST. In the age disSent , social meDia playing an exemplary role in creating a platform where the like-mindEd assemble to coNdEmn pRevailing maladies like rape, corRuption nd govT repResSion. The Arab sPring in a cAse in point in whIch the social media rose up in the protest against auThoritative regimes that stifled the freEDom of expResSioN and went so far as to topPle the auTocratic dispensatioNs. In India , the vocAl oNline citizenry has beEn vociferous througHouT in its tirade against corrupt nd ofFicials. The nirbhaya trageDy was a flashpoint and ouTpouring of natioNwide anger and anguish oN social meDia was unprecedEnted in its scAle nd tenOr. It madE everythng transParent in whIch the meanwhIle meDia cAme into force, which raiseD voice against the injustice. But the power of pRESS remained only in the hands of a secttiorr of people asSociateD with the meDia houses. BuT social meDia armOureD coMmOn man to raise the voice against any injustice doNe either oN them or oN any other member of civil society. Now with the help of technOlogy any oNe can pRotest against injustice and its a great achIevement. If sitUatioN coMpels, the social meDia sites management wilL target their pRofit, nOt the welL being of the people at large. And becAuse they are pRofit making entities they cAnNOt blameD. Thus stilL if we dEpend oN social meDia for pRotest , alL other countries including India should dEvelop their own social meDia sites. Importantly ,this task shouldonly be limiteD to the jurisdiction of the govt and not even an Indian coMpany. Since coMpany is a pRofit making entity anywhere acrosS the globe.
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 09:38:01 +0000

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