SOME CHRISTIANS ARE PATHETICALLY MISTAKEN AND BRING SHAME TO THE REST OF THE FLOCK! Excerpt from raptureready Mar 10, 2014 Politically Motivated Propaganda The grossly titled “Christ at the Checkpoint” gathering of anti-Israel activists has been going on this week in Bethlehem. This comes on the heels of Cameron Strang’s cover story in this month’s issue of Relevant magazine, in which—among other things—the publisher allows PLO mouthpiece Hanan Ashrawi to allege that the Palestinians are directly related to the first Christians! Which would make them Jews. Ah, well, reality never plays much of a factor in the efforts of the Christian Palestinianists to isolate Israel. More of the same is going on at CATC. Interestingly, the Messianic community in Jerusalem disavowed any fellowship with the leftists at CATC, issuing a strongly worded statement that proves they understand what is afoot. Israel Today magazine has been doing a terrific job reporting on this situation, and makes readers aware that the Israelis understand what is going on: “That Jerusalem is so aware and concerned about CatC should be encouraging news to Evangelical Christians around the world. The government of Israel finds them ‘an extremely important audience,’ and the goal of the conference is clearly to drive a wedge between Christians and the State of Israel. Christians around the world should continue to heed the government’s call to distance themselves from the dangerous and politically-motivated propaganda of Christ at the Checkpoint.” What’s happening in Bethlehem is an unconscionable effort on the part of Palestinians and their American religionists to marginalize Israel—biblically, politically, and culturally. Do not be fooled by their “pro-pro-pro” rhetoric, in which some of them allege they believe in Israel’s security. Bottom line: they hate Israel. A key tactic in mainstreaming the “Palestinian narrative” is to hold up the image of the suffering Palestinian Christian brothers and sisters to sympathetic and unaware American church audiences. After all, the “Jews reject Jesus,” and so we must stand in solidarity with our Christian brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. It is a clever tactic, one used for centuries to first marginalize then harass Jews. I asked Cameron Strang this week to comment on/answer questions about his cover story, littered as it is with falsehoods. He said no. This is part of what I allege is a control of the overall narrative within the American Evangelical Church, by Rick Warren, Bill Hybels, Andy Stanley, and Leadership Network. They are all of one mind, and Cameron Strang is mentored to a degree by Warren especially. Thus, when someone asks questions of them, or challenges what they’ve said or written, this corrupt leadership doesn’t have to answer. Controlling the masses through a false narrative is an historical nightmare. Everywhere now within evangelical leadership—where it comes up—the marginalization of Jews and the Jewish state is central. Steven Furtick, mentored by Warren, Craig Groeschel and others leading the Evangelical Industrial Complex, sanitizes Jewish history from the Old Testament by a clever application of Replacement Theology: the great Jewish narrative becomes about Steven Furtick, or his followers. Books, Sunday school lessons, Bible studies…even “study” Bibles routinely seek to make the Jews disappear from the pages of Scripture. This can come through twisting the context, or outright ignoring of the Jewish nature of the text. We’ve seen this before. In the book, The Holocaust and the Christian World, we read about the European churches in the lead-up to Hitler: “The negation of Jewish existence, which the Christian churches had symbolized in their liturgy and doctrines, their sermons and teaching materials helped to produce an endless series of persecutions and pogroms.” Many of the various denominations in Germany in the 1930s openly compromised with the Nazi regime. Witness the reaction of one such group: “Seventh Day Adventists offered an immediate public statement of nationalism and support for the Party. They implemented changes to remove the language of the Hebrew Scriptures from their liturgy.” Several factors were at play in the decisions of German Christians to abandon the Jews: “The most extreme example of this combination of anti-Semitism and nationalism was the so-called German Christian movement, a Protestant group that embraced Nazism and tried to Nazify Christianity by suppressing the Old Testament, revising liturgics and hymns, and promoting Jesus as an Aryan hero who embodied the ideals of the new Germany.” Are things moving in a similar direction in America? I think they are, primarily due to the leadership. When a publisher who identifies as a Millennial Evangelical allows the pages of his magazine to proclaim that Jesus was a Palestinian (that is the effect of Ashrawi’s statement, and more and more evangelical leaders are allowing such language to go unchallenged), that publisher has jettisoned truth. His friends are flocking to “Christ at the Checkpoint,” including ORU President William “Billy” Wilson, and this is unacceptable. Further, Strang’s close friend, Donald Miller, continues to publish charges of war crimes against the Israel Defense Forces, and no one calls him on it. He won’t document the charges (since, of course, he heard them from the PLO), and so the flood of lies continues to plague the American Church. Donald Miller is a liar. He is also a hero and friend to many in the American Evangelical leadership community. Think about that. The fact is, leftists have infiltrated every major American denomination, and one need go no further than studying the leadership and speaker lineup at Christ at the Checkpoint. Truly, we live in the days when evil is good, and good is evil.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 14:48:52 +0000

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