SOMETHING TO PONDER SPENDING SET ASIDE TIME WITH GOD My voice You shall hear in the morning, O Lord; in the morning I will direct it to You, and will look up. (Psalm 5:3) NKJV You can usually tell how important something is to your Christian walk by watching how hard satan works to prevent you from doing it. Spending quiet time with God is one of them. Its very important that every believer in Christ discipline themselves to start the day in fellowship with God. Consistently spending time with God effects permanent change in our lives. Insincere attempts at this result in half hearted devotion. Those who make their devotion to God their highest priority are those whose lives know true, heart-felt devotion. The Bible says that Jesus often withdrew into the wilderness and prayed. (Luke 5:16) NKJV. He chose quiet places. We must all find some quiet time with the Lord. And it can be anytime that is suitable for you. Sometimes when you think about putting it off until the evening, it usually doesnt materialise. We often make time for things that dont really matter but your quiet time with God does matter. Lets make our time for the Lord a number one priority. Good morning and God bless folks. Have a great day. Jesus loves you. Pastor Bernard Coopan
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 07:52:39 +0000

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