SOON MOST OF US WILL JUST LEAVE THE COUNTRY AS THESE ASSHOLES WANT TO ENSLAVE US WITH NIKOLA TESLAS FREE POWER WHICJH IS WHY THE GOVERNMENT STOLE / KEPT ALL HIS PAPERS AND DISMANTLED HIS INVENTIONS AND LABORATORY! No personality in the history of science has been pushed further into the realm of mythology than the Serbian-American electrical engineer Nikola Tesla. He is, without a doubt, one of the true giants in the history of electromagnetic theory. As an inventor he was as prolific as they come, with approximately 300 patents having been discovered in at least 26 countries, but many more inventions as well that stayed within his lab and were never patented. As remarkable as were his talents was his personality: private, eccentric, possessed of extraordinary memory and bizarre habits, and with a headlong descent into mental illness during his later years. Teslas unparalleled combination of genius and aberrance have turned him into one of the seminal cult figures of the day. As such, at least as much fiction as fact have swirled around popular accounts of his life, and devotees of conspiracy theories and alternative science hypotheses have hijacked his name more than that of any other figure. Today were going to try and separate that fiction from the fact. First, a very brief outline of his life; but in order to put it in the proper perspective, we have to first clear up a popular misconception. Tesla did not invent alternating current, which is what hes best remembered for. AC had been around for a quarter century before he was born, which was in 1856 in whats now Croatia. While Tesla was a young man working as a telephone engineer, other men around Europe were already developing AC transformers and setting up experimental power transmission grids to send alternating current over long distances. Teslas greatest early development was in his mind: a rotary magnetic field, which would make possible an electric induction motor that could run directly from AC, unlike all existing electric motors, which were DC. At the time, AC had to be converted to DC to run a motor, at a loss of efficiency. Induction motors had been conceived before his birth, but none had ever been built. Tesla built a working prototype, but only two years after another inventor, Galileo Ferraris, had also independently conceived the rotary magnetic field and built his own working prototype. Rightfully fearing that his own obscurity as a telephone engineer was hampering his efforts as an inventor, Tesla arranged to move to the United States. He did so in 1884, getting his famously ill-fated and short-lived job in Thomas Edisons laboratory. The tycoon George Westinghouse, who understood the potential of AC and induction motors and was actively seeking them, gratefully purchased some of Teslas patents as soon as he learned about them. Royalties from Westinghouse fattened Teslas wallet, and a number of highly public projects on which they collaborated made him a celebrity, including the 1893 illumination of the Worlds Fair with alternating current, and the subsequent creation of the Niagara Falls power plant. It was as a result of this windfall that Tesla set up his own laboratories and created his most intriguing inventions. Lets run through a list of some of the seemingly magical feats attributed to Tesla, beginning with: Did Tesla invent X-rays? Tesla did in fact accidentally create the first X-ray photographs in 1895, although inadvertently, when taking a picture of his friend Mark Twain with an early form of fluorescent tube light called a Geissler tube that, unbeknownst to Tesla, also emitted X-radiation. Before he could investigate further, his lab burned down and he lost all that work. At nearly the same time, Wilhelm Röntgen announced his discovery of the X-ray. Later Tesla experimented with more powerful tubes to create stronger X-rays. Did Tesla invent radio? Generally, Tesla did beat Guglielmo Marconi to the demonstration of workable wireless communication and Tesla eventually won all the patent disputes (after his death), though Marconi is the one who shared a Nobel Prize for it. However, both men had been building upon theory and experimentation by dozens of other researchers going back nearly a full century. Patents for various types of wireless communication had begun to be filed by other inventors thirty years before either man. Tesla became famous for his radio controlled boat demonstration in 1896, but throughout 1895 and 1896, many inventors worldwide made all sorts of radio demonstrations, in Russia, India, the United States, and Europe. Teslas contributions to radio were as good as anyones, but they were hardly revolutionary in a field that was exploding at the time. Did Tesla plan to transmit power world-wide through the sky? It was his ultimate plan, but the farthest he ever got was the partial construction of his famous tower at Wardenclyffe which was intended for wireless communication across the Atlantic. His worldwide wireless power system was theoretical only, employing the Schumann-Tesla resonance to charge the Earths ionosphere such that a simple handheld coil could receive electrical power for free anywhere, and everywhere, in the world. Teslas idea was innovative, but innovative idea it remained, as debts mounted and the tower was dismantled before it ever got to be used. Now that the nature of the ionosphere is much better understood, physicists now consider Teslas concept unworkable, and no attempts to test it have ever worked. All sorts of conspiracy theories exist, for example that the HAARP research facility in Alaska is secretly a test of Teslas worldwide power grid, or some sort of superweapon based on it. The profound differences between these systems become clear upon doing even the most basic of research. Tesla died in January of 1943, during some of the darkest hours of World War II. The war was going badly, and the American government was more than a little willing to bend the rules. The year before, nearly all Japanese Americans were imprisoned in an effort to prevent spying. So it wasnt that big of a stretch for the government, having heard his claims of a Death Ray, to employ a statute enacted during World War I that enabled an Alien Property Custodian to seize all assets of any enemy during wartime — even though Tesla was an American citizen. They entered his New York hotel room and seized all his documents, which was all that remained of his lifes work by that time. It wasnt very much, as Teslas habit throughout his life was to keep plans in his head
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 08:58:10 +0000

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