SPIRITUAL LEADER DR. KENN GORDON CALLS FOR COMPASSION, NOT FEAR, IN RESPONSE TO EBOLA The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself Franklin D Roosevelt The spread of the Ebola virus is something to pay attention to, without fear, but with diligence and compassion. We must bring the best of our faculties, personal and collective, to bear so that human suffering is relieved. We must also understand that escalating fear will inhibit our ability to bring those faculties fully to bear on this situation, at home and around the globe. Fear divides, paralyzes and seeks to blame. Compassion invites us to see those in the path of disaster as our brothers and sisters, and to recognize that how we respond to each other is a measure of our spiritual depth and social maturity. If you will take time daily to sense the presence of Life within you, to believe in It, to accept It, it will not be long before the life which you have known will gradually disappear and something new will be born— a bigger, better and more perfect you. You will pass from death into life; from lack and want into greater freedom; from fear into faith. Dr. Ernest Holmes We must turn our thoughts and actions to something greater than fear, focus our minds on resolution rather than the problem. We do have the capacity to generate a positive response to this disease by stepping beyond our fear and into our collective power. There is a wisdom within us that we understand to be the Wisdom of God. In times of challenge, it is important to rely not only on our human creativity and ingenuity but to know that it is inspired by the Infinite intelligence we collectively know as God. Centers for Spiritual Living is inspired by the words of Dr. Ernest Holmes: It is quite a burden lifted when we realize that we do not have to move the world – it is going to move anyway. This realization does not lessen our duty or our social obligation. It clarifies it. It enables us to do joyously, and free from morbidity, that which we should do in the social state. Let us then work together to face this issue from a place of deep compassion and great love; to give the health care workers the training and equipment they need to treat those affected; to adequately fund and equip the brave people on the ground in Africa where the outbreak is centered; to support our leaders in taking these actions in a way that transcends political ideology; and to know that the Love Intelligence of God is working through everyone involved to bring forth the revelation of Wholeness and Peace. Dr. Kenn Gordon, Spiritual Leader, Centers for Spiritual Living, publisher of Science of Mind magazine.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 12:00:01 +0000

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