SRINAGAR, June 30: Senior separatists leaders have strongly - TopicsExpress


SRINAGAR, June 30: Senior separatists leaders have strongly condemned the killing of two civilians allegedly by army at Markundal and called for a general strike on July 1 and July 2. JKLF, Hurriyat Conference (M), Democratic Freedom Party (DFP) and JKLF (H) have called for a strike tomorrow, while Hurriyat (G) on day after tomorrow. In his statement Syed Ali Shah Geelani, chairman Hurriyat Conference (G), has described the killings as worst form of state terrorism. “These killings are the first message from army to Kashmiris after the visit of Indian prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh that Indian military might will continue to dominate Kashmir at all costs,” he said. Geelani alleged that by targeting two valuable human lives, the forces proved that they are not operating under any rules and discipline and that AFSPA gives them powers to kill anybody anytime. The forces’ personnel are not made accountable. He claimed that the incident again proved that the state government is like a “showpiece” and status of Omar Abdullah is not more than a “show boy.” From start to end it is the army which rules and whole human population is on its mercy. The state government cannot do anything except for acting like a spectator. “The height of the things is that even a case is not registered against the army men for being involved in innocent killings and they are not being produced in courts. They have a license through AFSPA and Disturbed Area Act to kill,” he said. Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, chairman Hurriyat Conference (M,) has strongly condemned the killings. He alleged that Kashmiris are being targeted by “state terrorism through a planned manner.” Mirwaiz stated that such a policy of vengeance and state terrorism can lead to disastrous consequences as Kashmiris are not going to tolerate it. “There is no change in the deteriorating condition in Kashmir and day to day killings reflect the real situation in Kashmir. This fact should be accepted that Kashmir is a disputed issue and those describing as an internal issue of India need to acknowledge this reality at the earliest,” he said. Hurriyat (M) chairman said his faction is holding an emergency meeting on July 2 to discuss the killings. “We will also decide about the issue related to registration of cases in international criminal court so that the attention of the court and international human rights groups is drawn towards the killings of Kashmiris and politics of vengeance,” he added. Mohammad Yasin Malik, chairman JKLF, has strongly condemned the killings and described it as “brutal act.” “It is another glaring example of state terrorism, the day before Indian foreign minister was giving us a lesson to forget and forgive. But immediately his forces have once again shown their ugly brutal face and killed more innocents,” he said. Yasin alleged that Government of India has given license to its forces to kill people. “Kashmiris are not safe even in their own homes,” he said and alleged that those killing them are moving scot free. Yasin called for a complete general strike tomorrow against the killings and said the ongoing movement will be taken to its logical conclusion. He said the mainstream leaders will try to shed “crocodiles tears” on the killings. Shabir Ahmed Shah, president Democratic Freedom Party, Nayeem Ahmad Khan, chairman National Front, Javid Ahmad Mir, chairman JKLF (H), Shabir Ahmad Dar, chairman Muslim Conference, Mohammad Yusuf Naqash, chairman Islamic Political Party and Mohammad Ahsan Untoo, chairman Inter forum for justice have also condemned the killings and called for a strike tomorrow. Shabir, who is under house arrest, talked on phone with the family members of slain Tariq Ahmad Leharwal, said a DFP statement. He alleged that the government of India does not believe in zero tolerance for human rights and is suppressing the people. Admin shahid showkat
Posted on: Mon, 01 Jul 2013 12:18:51 +0000

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