STAR-SEARCHER & EXPERIENCE #14 WHAT IS THE BEAUTY OF UNCONDITIONAL JOY? STAR-SEARCHER: Why have we come here to this rose garden? EXPERIENCE: We may need some extra help today, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Extra help? EXPERIENCE: Yes, the roses, Star Searcher, you remember. Dont you? STAR-SEARCHER: I do? Ah. Maybe you better refresh my memory. EXPERIENCE: Do you remember, Star Searcher, that we talked about how the ancient wise ones would meet in areas surrounded by roses? STAR-SEARCHER: Hey Ya! Its starting to come back now. Wasnt it something about imps, or something like that? EXPERIENCE: Imps, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Ya, you know -- imps. EXPERIENCE: Maybe, Star Searcher, you wouldnt mind being a bit more specific. STAR-SEARCHER: Oh. Ah well, perhaps you better continue with what you were reminding me about before I tripped out. OK? EXPERIENCE: OK. You see, Star Searcher, roses give off a fragrance which has a calming affect on those who sense it through the olfactory cells located in the nose. STAR-SEARCHER: Wait! Dont tell me! Thats what keeps away the imps. Right? EXPERIENCE: This calming affect, Star Searcher, neutralizes irritation. STAR-SEARCHER: So the calmer they could be, the less irritated they would get. Right? EXPERIENCE: Very good, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: But! EXPERIENCE: I was waiting for that but. Go ahead Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: But how does it do it? How does the rose fragrance neutralize irritation? EXPERIENCE: The rose oil in the rose gives off a fragrance which is very calming. This gives those at the meeting a chance to penetrate deeper into their focus of discussion without getting upset. STAR-SEARCHER: But! EXPERIENCE: Go ahead, its your but. Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: But I have heard that its good to let anger and upset out! EXPERIENCE: That is a specious argument based on ignorance, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Specious? What in the universe is specious? EXPERIENCE: Specious, Star Searcher, means something which sounds correct, but, in fact, is not correct. STAR-SEARCHER: Oh. Then are you saying that it is bad to get upset? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, when a person gets irritated it causes an opening in their aura which allows a nasty substance called imperil to enter the body and flow along the outside of the nerves. STAR-SEARCHER: Thats bad, huh? EXPERIENCE: The non-beneficial effect is that the imperil eats away at the outer sheath of the nerves. STAR-SEARCHER: Then it is bad to get irritated. Right? EXPERIENCE: Yes, Star Searcher, it is quite non-beneficial to get irritated. It is better to use all your knowledge to remain calm than to get upset and let it out, only to let imperil in. STAR-SEARCHER: OK, I see. Its kind of like if I dont let it in in the first place, then I dont have to let it out. EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher, and thats why the ancient wise ones met in rose gardens. STAR-SEARCHER: So you think our discussion might be so polarized that we are going to need all the help we can get? EXPERIENCE: Protecting our meeting, Star Searcher, is always an act of co-measurement, which is the highest wisdom. I have every confidence that you can get through this without getting upset. STAR-SEARCHER: Get through what? Ah, is there something going on here I dont know about? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, I have been saving one of your earlier questions until you had emotionally matured enough on The Path of Beauty to gain the most co-measured benefit from the discussion. STAR-SEARCHER: Oh. I see. Well, maybe we better call out the marines while were at it. EXPERIENCE: If they are required, Star Searcher, they will be here. STAR-SEARCHER: Huh? Hey, I was only kidding. By the way, whats this highly explosive question I asked before I grew up? EXPERIENCE: Your question, Star Searcher, was, What is the beauty of unconditional joy? STAR-SEARCHER: Man that really sounds dangerous. Its a good thing we took all those precautions. Hey wait a minute! EXPERIENCE: Yes, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: How do I do unconditional joy? EXPERIENCE: Your ... STAR-SEARCHER: No Wait! Dont tell me! My best guess, right? EXPERIENCE: Right you are, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Well, I have a very strong feeling that unconditional is the key to analyze here. EXPERIENCE: Go ahead Star Searcher strive for it. STAR-SEARCHER: Surely unconditional does not mean indis...... Ah indiscrim...... EXPERIENCE: Indiscriminate, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Yes, thats it. Surely it doesnt mean that. EXPERIENCE: Why do you say that, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Well, an undiscerning person would fill all space with joy without including our qualifier, which is, In perfect co-measurement. EXPERIENCE: Therefore, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Therefore, since it is not an act of co-measurement to omit the qualifier then unconditional cannot mean undiscerning. EXPERIENCE: Well, then Star Searcher, what does unconditional mean to you. STAR-SEARCHER: You know, I would rather check the dictionary denotation of unconditional than use my own personal connotation of unconditional which I have accumulated over the years. Do you know what I mean? EXPERIENCE: Yes I do, Star Searcher. I just happen to have a dictionary in my brief case. STAR-SEARCHER: Oh you just happen to have a dictionary in your brief case huh? That sure is a coincidence, isnt it? EXPERIENCE: Yes. Isnt that amazing, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: OK, Ill look it up. Lets see. Here it is. It says: Not subject to conditions or limitations. But! EXPERIENCE: Yes. You are right, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Huh? I am? EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: But I didnt even ask the question yet! OK. But why does the whole difference between filling all space with joy and unconditional joy lie in the application? EXPERIENCE: Well, Star Searcher, since our Brotherhood doesnt interfere with Free Will and or Karma, then we would certainly not advocate an unconditional application of anything. We use the qualifier, In perfect co-measurement in all our thoughts and actions. Oh, by the way, Star Searcher, in case I havent mentioned it, we consider that our thoughts and actions as one and the same thing. STAR-SEARCHER: You do? EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: But why? EXPERIENCE: Because, Star Searcher, as a disciple develops on The Path of Beauty the disciples thoughts become more powerful. The time element between the dwelling on the thought and the manifestation decreases in proportion to the progress. There comes a time of self mastery where there is no time lag between the thought dwelled upon and its manifestation. STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. You know I have noticed that happens sometimes to me. Ill be thinking about something and a week or so later I will notice it in my daily observations. But coming back to our focus of discussion, If we do not use unconditional joy as a tool for the general upliftment of humanity, then how do we use it? EXPERIENCE: What are the other options, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. Let me see. Well, if not used purposefully as a general tool, then maybe it means in a personal or natural way. EXPERIENCE: Go for it, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Well, maybe it means that we get too involved with having to have a good reason to be joyful or happy. EXPERIENCE: Therefore, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Well, most of the time people think that a person is joyful because something, or someone, or some event or situation made them joyful. EXPERIENCE: And vice versa Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Huh? Vice versa? Oh, ya. I get it. You mean that most people think that a person is unjoyful or unhappy because something, or someone, or some event or situation made them that way? EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Well isnt that right? EXPERIENCE: Your best guess, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Are you saying thats not right? EXPERIENCE: Your next best guess, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: This is getting serious. I never thought about a persons joy or happiness not being caused by something, or someone, or some situation. I thought everything works on cause and effect. EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, cause and effect is always in operation, although, depending on the level of discernment, some may not discern it to be. STAR-SEARCHER: Are you saying that if a person was standing next to a butcher like Hitler, that he would have no reason to be unhappy and therefore would radiate joy? EXPERIENCE: Your best guess, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: You know I can really see why were meeting in this rose garden, I almost feel a little upset. EXPERIENCE: Take some deep breaths my friend and exhale slowly. Think about these beautiful roses for a few minutes. STAR-SEARCHER: [spoken slowly]: Yes, they are beautiful. I do love their fragrance as well as their form. The Mr.. Lincoln roses have a deep red velvet look to them and a strong fragrance. The Queen Elizabeth roses have a beauty all their own, dont they. And they are prolific bloomers as well. Yes I think it is true what you say about rose gardens. I feel better already. I wonder why I got upset, do you know? EXPERIENCE: You are dealing with a new concept, Star Searcher, as well as an old concept that is as close to you as your heart beat. STAR-SEARCHER: Why is the old concept so close to me? EXPERIENCE: Somewhere along the way, Star Searcher, humanity identified with the idea that we had to have a reason to be joyful and happy. If we could not find a reason to be joyful or happy, it became inappropriate to be joyful or happy. STAR-SEARCHER: And the news media dont provide many reasons to be joyful or happy, do they. EXPERIENCE: The world, Star Searcher, continually provides us with information and we react to that information. STAR-SEARCHER: Oh, I see. Because I have been taught that I need a reason to be joyful or happy, and if I do not discern reasons to be joyful or happy in what the world presents to my consciousness, then I would not experience much joy or happiness. Right? EXPERIENCE: Yes, that is true, Star Searcher. Tell me now, can you think of a way that you can increase your joy? STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. Perhaps if I found the right reaction to what the world presented to me, then I could be more joyful. Right? EXPERIENCE: Yes, that is correct, Star Searcher, yet it would depend on your level of discernment as to how joyfully you could deal with each situation presented to you. However.... STAR-SEARCHER: Wait, dont tell me. But thats not unconditional joy because it still has to fit my point of view before I would consider it a reason to be joyful or happy. Right? EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: So you are saying that I dont need a reason to be joyful or happy. Right? EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Then why am I not joyful right now? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, can you see the logic that needing to find a reason for your unhappiness, or unjoyfulness is similar, if not the same as, needing to find a thing or reason to make you joyful or happy? STAR-SEARCHER: Hmmm. Both seem to need a thing or condition or my reaction to a thing or condition which has been presented to me. EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Yet, because of its direct relation to cause and effect, it would be a good approach to trouble shooting peoples problems. Would it not? EXPERIENCE: Yes and no, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Is that like a definite maybe? EXPERIENCE: It is correct, Star Searcher, because humanity operates on the idea of conditional joy and happiness. It is incorrect because there are an infinity of reasons people judge something to be bad or good. You may spend years and decades to identify the reason why just one person judges a situation, person or thing, to be not worthy of a joyful reaction. STAR-SEARCHER: But isnt it worth the effort? EXPERIENCE: Consider this, Star Searcher, if the person years ago did not have the tools to deal with that particular thing, person, or situation which was presented to his, or her, consciousness, and thus reacted with sadness rather than joy, what makes you think that person now has the tools to deal with it which will now produce joy and happiness? STAR-SEARCHER: Are you saying that even if years were spent in the search to identify the cause of a persons unhappiness that they may still be unhappy because they still havent gained a point of view to react joyfully to that person, thing or situation? EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: But why? EXPERIENCE: As you have pointed out, Star Searcher, cause and effect is our way of life. We all have Karma. We have all planted beneficial and non-beneficial seeds which we will harvest at the appropriate time in our future incarnations. With respect to the non-beneficial seeds, that harvest will always be waiting for us unless we have learned our lesson and no longer plant that particular non-beneficial seed. It is, after all, a just universe, and our free will gives us the golden opportunity to learn which kind of thoughts, feelings and actions lead us to the joyful life, and which do not. STAR-SEARCHER: Are you saying that we should teach the tools to attain the joyful life rather than inspecting the details of a persons past reactions to determine what caused their unhappiness? EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. Consider that we all are constructing an individual Highway. Countless stones went into its construction, yet we do not think of the individual stones, we travel on its surface. Each stone could represent, for our purposes, a reaction, by one person, to what has been presented to his consciousness during his countless life times. Then the highway as a whole becomes the whole of a persons consciousness to date. We use all this experience by traveling on top of the highway, not by picking out the millions of stones one by one and examining them for the cause of a present unhappiness. The Law of Karma guarantees that we will have many opportunities of experience in order to gain the correct understandings which lead to the joyful life. Do you understand, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Are you saying that we should be focusing on discerning the tools which lead to joy rather than focusing on what makes us unhappy? EXPERIENCE: Almost, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Almost? EXPERIENCE: Yes, you see Star Searcher, it is not enough to discern the tool. We must become master craftsmen with it in order to create the most co-measured highway to joy. STAR-SEARCHER: I love it when you talk that way. But... EXPERIENCE: Yes, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Well, it seems that attaining unconditional joy, or happiness, although a great achievement, would be nothing to write home about, because the rest of the world would only think I was nuts, because they still are operating on conditional joy. Right? EXPERIENCE: Yes, Star Searcher, the vast majority of them do to a painfully large degree. STAR-SEARCHER: Well then what is the first step towards this magnificent yet widely unrecognized achievement of unrecognized joy? EXPERIENCE: Your best guess Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Well perhaps I have already made it with this new understanding, after all, knowledge must precede co-measured action. EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Well then, whats the second step toward unconditional joy and happiness? EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, you will find that ... STAR-SEARCHER: Wait! Dont tell me! Discernment right! EXPERIENCE: You learn your lessons well, Star Searcher. You learn your lessons well. STAR-SEARCHER: So my question should be, What do I need to discern in order not to operate on conditional joy or happiness? What do I need to discern to set myself free for a joyful and happy life? EXPERIENCE: Well, Star Searcher, you could ... STAR-SEARCHER: Wait! Dont tell me! I can use the red marble technique. I can set my point of focus on joy just like I set my thermostat in my home on the temperature I select. EXPERIENCE: Therefore, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Therefore when I catch myself not being joyful or happy, then I will deposit a red marble into a container. EXPERIENCE: Therefore, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Therefore I will get used to a focus on joy and will become more aware when I am not joyful. EXPERIENCE: Therefore, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Therefore after I become proficient at radiating joy I can extend my watchfulness to notice the what or who I let distract me from my joy. EXPERIENCE: Therefore, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Therefore Im right back into conditional thinking about joy, that I let something or someone I reacted to with not joy disturb my focus on joy. But... EXPERIENCE: Yes, Star Searcher, you are correct. It is still a valid technique since you have indeed long ago identified with the conditional joy and happiness concept. STAR-SEARCHER: So what do I do with the information I get concerning what made me temporarily lose my joy? EXPERIENCE: Your best guess, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Well, I can transmute the situation into something for the maximum benefit of Humanity, World Culture, and the Hierarchy of Light. EXPERIENCE: Therefore, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Well that would theoretically work but soon my technique would provide me with hundreds and thousands of things I react to unjoyfully which produce my unhappiness. Thats a lot of transmutation. EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Yet something tells me that there is a more co-measured way. Right? EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher. STAR-SEARCHER: Then I should go from depositing physical red marbles to mental red marbles when I catch myself not radiating joy, Right? EXPERIENCE: That would be a lighter load, I assure you, Star Searcher. Your red marble technique is very helpful to maintain joy. In addition to it, you might try working on your reaction to what the world presents to your consciousness. STAR-SEARCHER: Oh. I see! You mean create the most co-measured reaction to what the world presents to me in order to maintain my focus of joy, yet still deal with the situation in the most co-measured manner possible. Right? EXPERIENCE: Precisely, Star Searcher, precisely. STAR-SEARCHER: Then my red marble technique will let me know my progress in implementing my new co-measured reaction to what the world presents to me. Right? EXPERIENCE: Why is that, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Well, the way I figure it, after I create and implement the most co-measured reaction to what is presented to my consciousness, then my red marble technique will reveal the subtleties of changes over time. EXPERIENCE: Therefore, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Well, I will be able to gage my progress over time by observing the frequency of my loss of focus on joy. EXPERIENCE: Why is that, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Because if I maintain my focus on joy to a greater degree then I will know that my reactions to that which is presented to my consciousness is more co-measured. Where as if my focus is disturbed, the same, or more than in the past, then I have to adjust my technique. Right? EXPERIENCE: very good, Star Searcher. Tell me now, what is the beauty of unconditional joy? STAR-SEARCHER: Well, many things are the beauty of unconditional joy. EXPERIENCE: Such as, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Well, you have taught me that joy is the health of the spirit. EXPERIENCE: Very good, Star Searcher. What else? STAR-SEARCHER: You have also taught me that joy is power. EXPERIENCE: Yes, really good, Star Searcher. What else? STAR-SEARCHER: You have also taught me that joy is a shield of protection and leads to communion with the Great Architect and his helpers. But from the light of this conversation, I would have to say that the beauty of unconditional joy and happiness is freedom. EXPERIENCE: Freedom, Star Searcher? STAR-SEARCHER: Yes, freedom. Freedom from the countless sorrows of the servitude of conditional joy and happiness. EXPERIENCE: Congratulations, Star Searcher, on your new understanding. Tell me now, on what is this new freedom based? STAR-SEARCHER: There can be only one answer to that question, and that is discernment. EXPERIENCE: Star Searcher, if you keep up this rate of progress, then you will be ready for your next initiation on The Path of Beauty much sooner than expected. Now there is work to be done. Let us go to the garden. STAR-SEARCHER: OK, I will get the gloves and tools and practice my joyful labor. EXPERIENCE: I think your catching on, Star Searcher. Strive-on, my friend, strive-on.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 16:40:16 +0000

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