STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING IN THE U.S.A By Alex Wilson... In - TopicsExpress


STRANGE THINGS ARE HAPPENING IN THE U.S.A By Alex Wilson... In this administration, were being forced to accept Islam while expressing your Christian faith is punishable. In the military, Christians are punished for praying or posting bible verses, but Muslims can grow beards (no one else can) and wear turbans in the Marine Corps (shave your effing face and put on a hat, Mullah) and pull out their prayer rugs to pray 5 times a day. A Christian baker refuses to bake a gay wedding cake and is fined and demonized, tried to put out of business, but a Muslim does the same and its okay because it violates their faith. Why the double standards? Why are baptists and evangelicals labeled as domestic terrorists at DHS, but you cant even look at a Muslim the wrong way without violating their civil rights? Why were all references to Islam scrubbed from the DHS and military manuals? Its not christians that go around raping and enslaving women, beheading men, women, and children alike. Christians are demonized to this day for the Crusades (which happened 1,000 years ago and were in response to Muslim expansion of the Persian/Ottoman empire into the holy lands) but the Muslims are STILL practicing that barbarism to this day. They are the only group of people who HAVENT evolved past that horrible violence and savagery. Christians are being called terrorists, the Jews in Israel are called war criminals, but the Muslims are murdering people in cold blood all over the world and infiltrating every government worldwide and they are treated like they are above the law. Any and all criticism is labeled islamophobia. Phobia implies irrational fear - Im not afraid, Im pissed off. Its almost as if we have a muslim sympathizer in the White House. Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett are trying to turn us into a third world country, allowing millions of illegal aliens comprised of violent mexican gang members and radical Islamists. When a woman is beheaded by a muslim in OK, Obama sends an emissary to the mosque he attended to congratulate them. He is despicable, and I hope our nation survives his last two years.
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 11:24:12 +0000

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