STRENGTH FOR THE WEEK By Dr. Emeka Mbelu Take A Leap of Faith - TopicsExpress


STRENGTH FOR THE WEEK By Dr. Emeka Mbelu Take A Leap of Faith 1 Hebrews 11:1 “Faith is…the conviction of things not seen” (NASB). The story is told of two caterpillars, as they plodded up a hill. They noticed a butterfly dipping and weaving overhead. Turning to his buddy, one said, “You’d never get me up in one of those things!” Indeed? Lift up your eyes fellas, and take a leap of faith! Glynnis Whitwer once wrote, “God calls us to obedience without showing us the end result…There are days I’m tired of getting called out of my comfort zone…I’ve been known to whine and ask if I can serve God from the safety of my recliner. But that’s not God’s way. He doesn’t want me limited by my desire for security and control…Something inside is revealed when we’re pressured from without…[It] shines light on the truth about our faith…To grow, faith must be stretched, and that’s uncomfortable…Unlike some, I haven’t learned to trust God the easy way…by reading a book…listening to a sermon…or hearing how my friend trusts Him. I’m learning by stepping out into the adventure of obedience and discovering that He’s trustworthy. This happened when my husband and I started tithing (after I resisted for years), and watched God cover our needs and more…Obeying when God hasn’t revealed the steps…or the final destination is challenging. But when we walk by faith He gets the glory, because we know we couldn’t have done it.” So, take a leap of faith, children of God, and obey God. And He will establish you for good! Trust in the Lord with ALL your heart, and lean not in your own understanding, for it is not by might nor by power, but by My Power, says the Spirit of the LORD! All shall be well. Indeed ALL is well!!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK!!!
Posted on: Tue, 06 Aug 2013 15:17:28 +0000

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