STYLE AND CORRUPTION SHOULD NOT BE CONFUSED OR USED AS A SYNONYMS LETS NOT CONFUSE THE WORD “STYLE” WITH THE WORD, “CORRUPTION” IF MARY ANNE JABLONSKI INTERPRETS WHAT ALISON REDFORD HAD DONE TO ALBERTANS AND CLASSIFIED IT AS ‘STYLE’ THEN SHE IS AS BLIND AS THE REST OF THE MLA’S WHO SUPPORT REDFORD. Here is the newspaper report, the PC take on the report, and my response in CAPITOL letters. **** Redford meets with party directors amid caucus rancour **** As Premier Alison Redford met behind closed doors with the Progressive Conservative party’s board of directors, another Tory MLA said Redford must make major changes to her leadership style to carry on. Red Deer North MLA Mary Anne Jablonski said she is not calling for Redford to step down but said she and other MLAs and party members have major concerns about her leadership. THE REALITY IS THAT THIEVERY IS STILL OK WITH THE PC PARTY MLA’S AS LONG AS REDFORD TALKS NICE. GO FIGURE, LIKE SAYING CRIME IS OK AS LONG AS YOU USE CLEANER BULLETS. Issues around expenses, entitlements and how Redford deals with people are significant issues that the premier must address, she said. THAT IS A DOG AND PONY SHOW STATEMENT, AND NOTHING MORE THAN A VERBAL PHOTO OP, WHICH TELLS ALL ALBERTANS HOW MUCH OUT OF TOUCH ALISONS SUPPORTERS AND THE PC PARTY ARE OUT OF TOUCH WIT REALITY AND WITH EVERYDAY ALBERTANS. “If she can change the way she treats others, then we have hope,” said Jablonski. Jablonski said she resents how these issues have distracted from Alberta’s booming economy and high quality of life under the PC government. WRONG AGAIN, JABLONSKI. ALBERTAS BOOMING ECONOMY AND HIGH QUALITY OF LIFE HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH BEING “UNDER THE PC GOVERNMENT”. ALBERTAS ECONOMY AND QUALITY OF LIFE IS NOT ATTRIBUTABLE TO THE PC PARTYS DEMEANOR. THE ALBERTA ECONOMY WOULD DO JUST AS WELL IF FIBBER MAGGIE AND MOLLY WERE AT THE HELM. AND MAYBE EVEN BETTER. Saturday’s meeting of the PC board of directors caps a week of turmoil for Redford’s leadership that has seen her pay back the contentious $45,000 price tag for her trip to South Africa for Nelson Mandela’s funeral, the departure of a Tory MLA to sit as an independent, rampant rumors of further defections and calls for her resignation from an Edmonton constituency association president. IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS IT IS NOT EVEN ABOUT THE MONEY. IN THE CONTEXT OF THE ENTIRE BUDGET, IT IS SMALL POTATOES. IT IS ABOUT ENTITLEMENTS, LIEING, OUTRIGHT ABUSE OF ALBERTANS MORALITY, AND BLATANT CORRUPTION. IT WAS ALSO NOT A ‘MISTAKE’. IT WAS A DELIBERATE ACT, AND IS ONLY A SYMBOL OF THE DISEASE, NOT THE SCARY DISEASE OR NILE VIRUS ITSELF. Len Webber, the MLA for Calgary-Foothills, set off a firestorm when he left the government caucus, calling Redford a bully with a sense of entitlement. ANYTHING SHORT OF WHAT LEN WEBER HAS STATED IS SEMANTICS AND A COVER UP FOR THE PC DISEASE AND ROT, NOTHIN MORE AND NOTHING LESS.
Posted on: Sat, 15 Mar 2014 20:14:41 +0000

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