SUNDAY TALKS “Trials by Fire!” ……. January19, - TopicsExpress


SUNDAY TALKS “Trials by Fire!” ……. January19, 2014 ENDURE ………………. The trials that we experience will show that our faith is genuine. It is being tested as fire tests and purifies gold; though your faith is far more precious than mere gold. So when your faith remains strong through many trials, it will bring you much praise and glory and honor on the day when Jesus Christ is revealed to the whole world. WORD ........ Wherein ye greatly rejoice, though now for a season, if need be, ye are in heaviness through manifold temptations: That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ: Whom having not seen, ye love; in whom, though now ye see him not, yet believing, ye rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of glory: Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls Grace comes with the Price of Identifying with Jesus through trials ……… Of which salvation the prophets have enquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: And if Christ suffered; What about Us? ………… Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. Even the Angels are curious as to the Glory given us upon enduring hardships in the name of Jesus … Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into. Prepare your faith in Christ to experience Trials with Successful outcomes …. Wherefore gird up the loins of your mind, be sober, and hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ; You have to know God’s word to obey God’s word …. As obedient children, not fashioning yourselves according to the former lusts in your ignorance: God is Holy ….. But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; Just accept that you can be Holy, if you want to be …… Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. Call Him and Ask for Whatever You Need ……………. And if ye call on the Father, who without respect of persons judgeth according to every mans work, pass the time of your sojourning here in fear: 1 Peter 1:6-17 When you are in the deepest pangs of trouble and hardship; think on these words: For consider him that endured such contradiction of sinners against himself, lest ye be wearied and faint in your minds. Ye have not yet resisted unto blood, striving against sin. … My son, despise not thou the chastening of the Lord, nor faint when thou art rebuked of him: For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth. If ye endure chastening, God dealeth with you as with sons; for what son is he whom the father chasteneth not? But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons. Heb 12:3-8 The words of JOB: Hold your peace, let me alone, that I may speak, and let come on me what will. Wherefore do I take my flesh in my teeth, and put my life in mine hand? Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him. He also shall be my salvation: for an hypocrite shall not come before him. Job 13:13-16 THESE RESISTED UNTIL LIFE WAS ENDED …. The Few Last Words Of Saints Who Became Martyrs …… Henry Vos—“If I had twin heads, they should all be off for Christ.” Castilla Rupea—“Though you throw my body down off this steep hill, yet will my soul mount upwards again.” John Buisson—“I shall have a double jail delivery: out of my sinful flesh and out of the loathsome dungeon I have long lain in.” Taylor—“Now lack I but two steps, and I am even at my Father’s house.” Carpenter—“All Bavaria is not as dear to me as my wife and children, but, for Christ’s sake, I gladly forsake them.” “Though He Slay Me, Yet Will I Trust in Him” …..Job
Posted on: Sat, 18 Jan 2014 23:25:28 +0000

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