SUPERIOR WAYS TO WEALTH. Many of us are full of complaint and - TopicsExpress


SUPERIOR WAYS TO WEALTH. Many of us are full of complaint and lamentations about our situations and circumstances. We are daily depressed, unhappy even very angry at our predicament yet we do not have realistic plans in place on how to get out or escape our quagmire. Some of us have refused to deliberately map out an escape strategy; we don’t plan because with plans comes activities and work and many of us don’t want to work out this escape or salvation. For example the nature and type of labor that will earn you a million naira a month is different from the type that will earn you one fifty thousand a month. Many are at the labor of one fifty thousand a month yet, want to earn a million naira a month. So sorry, life is not like that. Life does not reward you with what you like; life rewards you with what you’ve earned. Even if you choose to steal, at the end of the day the stolen wealth will never deliver to you the feeling and experience of the wealthy, you will still carry that poverty mentality and consciousness no matter the amount of stolen cash in your custody because, frankly speaking, being wealthy is an experience, a state of mind, a psychological disposition, a mentality, it’s not just a matter of cash. You can never feel rich with stolen money. If you have real, clean money, you’ll understand what I’m talking about. This reminds me of a funny incidence that occurred at a jewelers shop many years ago. A young employee was negotiating prices on some lovely neck pieces and earrings and another lovely set of sterling silver earrings and pendant, very beautiful. The price for the other neck pieces and earrings had been agreed with the jeweler but she was hoping he would go down some more on the price of the sterling silver earrings and pendant. This jewelry was on a glass surface between her and the jeweler. Suddenly, another girl, from all indications a student, looking tacky in her dressing, abrasive and jumpy walked right to where the negotiation was taking place, asked the jeweler for the price of the sterling silver piece under negotiations, the jeweler doubled the price for her to embarrass her and discourage her from buying, this student, a teenager, brought out stacks of cash from her handbag, paid for this jewelry without negotiating and scooped it into a small envelope from the glass surface and walked out of the shop. I laughed. It was obvious this teenager, this student didn’t need or want the jewelry; she just wanted to show off to all of us that she could afford what this working class lady was busy pricing. A teenager; a student, money not worked for. On an occasion I told this story to a group of young students at a seminar and some of them responded in admiration of this wasteful and insolent student and they were shouting levels. I was disgusted by the senselessness displayed, and I didn’t mince words in addressing this poor thinking pattern. Nothing frustrates, nothing depresses; nothing leaves you empty more than the guilt that comes with knowing you have cheated your way through life. It’s similar to writing an exam and cheating during the exam, even if you come out with the best result and you top your class and awarded a prize and everyone is celebrating you and clapping for you including your teachers, friends, family members and competitors. When you’re alone by yourself and all that noise and distractions are gone, that still, small voice of your conscience has a way of reminding you of who you really are – a cheat and a deceiver then you become depressed and frustrated. The more people tell you congrats, the more upsetting it gets. Dear friend, you must be in the right kind of labor to earn the kind of rest you desire. What I’m trying to say is that in life there are no short cuts to fulfilling dreams and visions, if you want anything or desire to fulfill any dream or purpose, you must pay your full price. You can’t cheat in life and in time without regrets. You will never be fulfilled or happy in the long run. Yes, people may look at you from the outside and think you’re an accomplished, happy and successful person, but with ill -gotten wealth; with stolen money, life will make sure that beautiful house purchased remains just a house and not a home; though filled with beautiful expensive wares there will be no peace, no joy, no rest; it will be a house full of quarrel, trouble and bad news. My dear friend, I’m personally pained by the popularity of the notion that it is impossible to create wealth especially in Nigeria without theft. I hear it every now and then even from very enlightened and exposed individuals and it breaks my heart. Firstly because I know it’s a lie, secondly because I know the consequence and repercussion of stealing and thirdly because I know a few individuals who have created so much wealth through hard work, intelligence, creativity and bright ideas, yet many think they stole. Listen to me dear, in life you earn everything. Money without health, money without friends, money without peace, money without rest, money without happiness, money without a good conscience is torture. Should anyone ever tell you stolen money can buy all these, it’s a lie. It’s only money earned, money worked for, clean money that can guarantee all these and does not come with a curse. Having money and all these, making others happy, fulfilled and emancipated and also solving life’s problems the way you know how to, is real success in my submission. Dear friends, my worst fear this morning is for those who have invested many years, gathering wealth and material things illegitimately; 10 years, 15 years, 20 years, it’s sad and unfortunate that one day all these acquisitions will like a bird, develop wings and fly away. You will look at your store house and it will be empty, your bank balance; sub-zero and then it may be too late to start all over. Dear friend, decide today to do the needful. Pay the right and legitimate price for your success. Don’t cut corners, don’t cheat others, don’t steal from your employers; don’t steal from the state. You will eventually pay for it. Pay the right price for the success you want. We have so many problems and challenges in Nigeria and the world at large that should you come up with a solution to any of these problems, people will pay you. We have energy problems, transportation problems, food problems, education problems, accommodation problems, health problems, commercial problems, political problems, intellectual problems, technology problems, clothing, construction, security, processes, marketing, branding, logistics, supply chain, inventory, book keeping, catering. Which one are you willing and able to solve excellently? Commit to it and do it in a way that no one else can. You don’t have to steal, labor is your superior ways of wealth...........DAN
Posted on: Fri, 20 Sep 2013 20:03:57 +0000

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