Saath Nibhana Saathiya 13th January 2015 Written Update Gopi - TopicsExpress


Saath Nibhana Saathiya 13th January 2015 Written Update Gopi says Jigar that she has proof against Vivan now. He says he does not want to listen anything. She gives her promise and asks him to listen. He accepts. She shows traffic chalan of Ahem’s car which Vivan used on the night Pari was kidnapped. Jigar says she is right and says he will inform police about it. Gopi says if they inform police, Vivan will get alert and they would not be able to find Pari. She asks if he knows anyone in airlines or airport. He says Pari’s friend works as an air hostess for the airlines which Vivan traveled that day. She asks to call her. He calls, but she does not pick call. Gopi suggests to send her SMS. Jigar does. Radha peeps on them and thinks what they are doing on phone. Kokila catches her red-handed and asks why is she peeping. Radha leaves. Kokila goes to Jigar’s room. Jigar gets a call back from Pari’s friend who informs that Vivan did not board flight that day and she remembers his name as they made multiple announcement, but he did not board flight. She then remembers that Vivan is Pari’s psycho ex-fiance and asks Jigar to save Pari from him. Kokila also hears their conversation and realizes that Gopi was telling truth. Jigar says we have to save Pari at any cost. Vivan nurses Pari’s wound and asks why did she hurt herself and even him and asks her to accept his love. Gopi says she knows she does not believe Pari. Kokila says it is not a matter of belief, but Pari’s life and praises Gopi that she was adamant in her decision to save Pari, says after knowing the truth, she is with Gopi. Jigar says even he is with her now. Gopi says once Ahem also joins us, we all will find out Pari. They inform about the incident to Ahem. Ahem says he will not save Pari. Jigar says he has to help them in rescuing Pari. Radha comes there to hear their talk. Meethi comes and says Radha that she was searching her. Hetal scolds Radha for being peeping tom and says she is seen either near someon’s door or window listening to their talks and warns her to mend her ways. Radha angrily walks back to her room. Once she leaves, Kokila asks Jigar and Ahem to stop arguing with each other. Vivan tries to feed Pari a sandwich, but she does not. He says he will get her dal rice and leaves. She sees his mobile on floor and calls Jigar, but his number is not reachable. She thinks of updating her status on facebook. Vivan comes back and says he is not a fool to leave his mobile like that and says he wanted her to login into her account so that he can use it. He calls his friend and asks him to login from Pari’s ID and update as being in Manali with pics. He says Pari with this, her last connection with Modi’s will be finished. Urmila sees news about Kokila’s arrest in newspaper, shows it to Kinjal, and starts yelling that her reputation is spoilt by Kokila. Kinjal asks her to stop her drama and says we have to find Pari first. Jigar checks Pari’s facebook update and is shocked to see her status as being in with a pic. Ahem also sees that and shows it to Kokila and Hetal. Radha comes there and asks what are they talking about. Jigar shouts Pari is in Manali. Radha smirks and leaves. Hetal says when they were discussing just yesterday that Pari’s life is in risk, how can she be in Manali so soon. Gopi says esactly, when they have alleged that Kokila has kidnapped Pari, why will Pari make such a big mistake of updating her status as being in Manali. Precap: Kokila looks at Pari’s Manali pic, identifies her purse as already being given to Meethi, and realizes that old pic is uploaded in facebook.
Posted on: Tue, 13 Jan 2015 14:18:53 +0000

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