Sabbath-Sunday Study: Why ??? Pain, Suffering & - TopicsExpress


Sabbath-Sunday Study: Why ??? Pain, Suffering & Death? Forward In my many of years in service toward our God, Ive experienced quite a few different types of people in and out of the faith. One thing that I have noticed different from them all, that there was one type of people here and there, that were a very gentle and loving kind. These people would not only go out of their way to help out their fellow man, but they would set up a time, make a way, sacrifice other engagements and so on, to help out another in need. Their purpose was clear. What was different from these people then others in the Church?? one might ask. They were a temperate people. A thoughtful and very considerate type, that would prefer to put their fellow man before even their own selves. What made them this way? Ofcourse it was the standards of Scripture...yet, they were a people that were sanctified in body, spirit, and mind(soul). Their minds were clear, and their motives were sincere,.. without wavering. We were originally made to live forever In Genesis 1-3 we find the Story of Creation. How in 6 days YHWH the Living God made all things, animals, and people from Speaking them into existence. Day 1: It teaches us how He formed the Earth and made water upon it. And how His Holy Spirit of Power by the Word (Micha El: who is like unto God? Yeshuas/Jesus heavenly Name) All as One divine Godhead had a part in the formation and labor it took to establish Creation upon the Earth. On this Day was set forth with YHWHs great Omniscience to separate good from evil; light from darkness, night from day. Herein did establish a 24 hour daily cycle, the dark part of a Day, being first. The Light of the world was/is Yeshua our Messiah. And the Darkness is confusion and its Author, Satan and his fallen angels, the demons. Day 2: On this day YHWH divided the waters of the firmament of the heavens(sky), from the waters that were upon the earth. Thus making Great Oxygen and a Mist in the Heavens so that no rain would be necessary in order to keep life sustainable upon the earth. Day 3: In this day He moved the waters on the earth off of the land, thus forming oceans, lakes, and rivers, and the land dried up. He called the land Earth, and the waters Seas. “And God said, Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb yielding seed, and the fruit tree yielding fruit after his kind, whose seed is in itself, upon the earth: and it was so. And the earth brought forth grass, and herb yielding seed after his kind, and the tree yielding fruit, whose seed was in itself, after his kind: and God saw that it was good.” Gen 1:11-12 . Day 4: Gen 1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years”. Then He made the Sun (the Greater light) for the day, and the Moon ( the lesser light) for the evening and placed the stars in the sky as a map for us to know where we are at all times upon the face of the whole Earth. As you saw, these lights for the Earth were made for signs (beacons), Seasons (differentiating the four Seasons by their monthly cycles of the Moon, Holy Day celebrations of giving thanks for His provisions), days (One 24 hour period of the earth spinning one time completely on its axis, for the Sun to have shown upon it as a whole), years (the earth having traveled once completely around the orbit of the Sun). Day 5: On this day He made the sea creatures of every sort and the birds of their kinds and told them to fill the earth. Day 6: On this day He made all of the rest of the animals: cattle, beasts of every kind, all that creeps upon the earth. This is also when He made mankind from His very likeness, with a will and intellect for choices, and decision making through the ability for the greatest knowledge of all of His Creations that is living upon the earth. He gave man dominion (Heb. To rule, reign over) all creatures upon this earth. Now, please be mindful...this authority and dominion over all of Creation wasnt a prize for exaltation that would administer pride unto its recipient, but a was a badge of Great responsibility to lead well and take care of all of Creation, as a parent would their children. He brought the animals to Adam so that he would name them all and so that they could become his companions and friends on the earth. He had made every Herb (Heb. Green, grass) with its seed (Heb. Plant), and trees with fruit on them with their seeds as well. Now, in these two categories theres much to be spoken of with trees and plants, fruits and herbs. I do believe that within the herb category is also vegetable plants. All kinds of nuts come from off of trees or plants, and or, are the seeds of the plants or trees. The fruits and herbs were made for humans to consume and the herbs were made for the animals to eat. Adam and Eve: of superior stature, mind-health, and moral purity in every respect, were sustained by this superior diet that YHWH prescribed and provided for them. Only after sin came in did it change the essence of their beings, yet, not their dietary lifestyles. This way of living strictly, reached good into after the Flood. Many have issues with this type of lifestyle of eating due to what weve been taught for so many years through our ancestors, our cultures, commerce and even television commercial in enticing us (just as the Serpent did Eve) by our senses and lustful desires into believing that there is No way to go back to an Edenic diet....even for the utmost of our health and beings. Many will wait until even the secular doctor orders it, but then, it just may be too late to redeem the damage to our cells and all of our bodily tissues/whole structure. Yet, I beg to differ on us being able to make a choice to change right now, if we truly love ourselves. By my own exemplary health in every aspect as a human being: mind, body, and spirit, even while being in a wheelchair due to paralysis, I can and will attest to our Gods Health message for us in our whole being, purposefully being manifest; if we truly love ourselves, family, and friends to last. “No true Christian is ever going to elevate ANYTHING or ANYONE above that of God, period. To suggest that we elevate our vegan lifestyle above God is ridiculous and untrue. In fact, we celebrate His creation by living ethically and kindly, choosing not to eat other living, feeling beings, seeing them as the companions that God created for us, companions, not food.” Pami Jane Tennant Day 7: On this day, God Rested from all of His work which He had done and made. And because He Rested He Blessed(Heb. Acted out of adoration, praise and saluted) this day, and sanctified it unto Himself (Heb. He pronounced that this day was to be observed as morally clean and consecrated as Holy to Himself.) because in it He had ended All of His work and rested from all of His work which He created. Gen.2:1-3. As we can see in Chapter 2 that YHWH put Adam to sleep and did an operational procedure and took a rib out of Adam and formed his wife Eve (the mother of all nations) from it. From this act, they were already both from the Unity of being one and thus Wedded. She being the bone of his bone and the flesh of his flesh. Eve was called woman because she was taken from man. All were in harmony both man and animal: plant life was their sustenance YHWH had given Adam specific directions in Chapter 2 that he may eat of Every Tree (including the Tree of Life) that was in the midst of the Garden, but, Not of the Tree of the Knowledge of good and evil. Adam and Eve were like children. They were pure in thought and intent. They were given perfect Bodies, to live within a perfect environment: high level of oxygen (for perfect brain function and cell health) for high levels of intellect and bodily endurance. Their diet was made for their utmost in health. All was Conscientiously created by YHWH to sustain their perfect bodies that He formed to live Forever: with fruits, vegetables, nuts, and herbs to partake of to sustain their perfectly healthy and agile human structures. He used food & their senses to test them Until....Sin came in. Adam was given Instructions/Commandments to follow. Yet, Satan, that serpent of old, also called the Devil, disguised himself as one of the animals in the garden to tempt Eve when she was alone. Gen.3, 2Cor.11:3-4. This chief deceiver used her own God given senses of seeing, hearing, tasting,touching, and smelling against her own being, without her even knowing the difference of what he had in mind for her. Like an innocent child without instruction, so did he entice her into disobeying the Commandment that was given to Adam, and obviously shared with Eve. For she went on to reason with this Archdeceiver, “We may eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden: But of the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat of it, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die!” Gen.3:2-4.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Jul 2014 16:43:11 +0000

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