Samantha Power warns Russia The Marxist revolutionaries - TopicsExpress


Samantha Power warns Russia The Marxist revolutionaries that have taken over the US government are becoming more brazen than ever. The very own architect of the UN doctrine of “Responsibility to Protect” which has already “successfully” been applied in Egypt, Lybia and elsewhere, strikes again. The George Soros’ puppet, who also happens to be Cass Sunstein’s wife (coincidence?), has just warned that further intervention in Ukraine by Russia will be seen as “invasion”, and one can infer, this will trigger the provisions of the “Responsibility to Protect” doctrine to be effective immediately. We often ask ourselves, who is really the invader of Ukraine, and why are the principles of this doctrine applied selectively? Also, why has the Obama administration hesitated for so long to intervene against ISIS, and when they do they drop a couple of bombs just to be seen as doing something? Anyway … huffingtonpost/2014/08/08/us-warns-russia-ukraine_n_5662201.html They really seem to leave no options to Russia other than retaliating against the West. The long awaited manufactured crisis Joe Biden called for a long ago? Certainly looks like one! What is Russia’s reaction? Here is what Sergei Glazyev, a key adviser to Mr Putin, has to say: “The point of a series of regional wars organized by the Americans, especially today’s catastrophe in Ukraine, centers on the U.S. securing control over all of north Eurasia” to bolster “its position against China,” Glazyev said. “That’s how the U.S. military and oligarchs are trying to maintain leadership in the global competition with China. Task no. 1 is to block those threats to economic security that are now coming from the U.S., neutralize them by reducing the dependence of our external economic activity on the mercy of American politicians, whose aggressiveness threatens the entire world,” he said. bloomberg/news/2014-08-08/world-war-on-russia-s-mind-when-u-s-duels-over-ukraine.html There we have it all. It does indeed make it look legitimate for Russia to retaliate, and do not be surprised if they do. There is one aspect though, again, that is worrying to the mind of an Orthodox Christian that tries to look deeper into things, and who is generally not satisfied with the superficial explanations of “shallow” Orthodoxy. Why does Russia need to go into any form of unholy alliance with entities such as China to achieve her so stated goals of “defending Christianity worldwide”? The ancient nation of Israel, the God’s chosen people of the Old Testament, never felt the need to form any alliance. The simple promise of God to deliver them of all adversities and defeat all their enemies in exchange to remaining faithful was always the key. The same principle applied to Orthodox Christianity, God’s chosen people of the New Testament (who have inherited that which has been taken away from the bad vineyard workers), during the Byzantine Empire and the Tsarist Russia of latter times. For Orthodox Russia to seek unholy alliances such as with China and BRICS under the excuse of defeating the enemies of God does not represent a sound Orthodox doctrine at all. Orthodoxy does not mean “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” under any circumstance! Instead such pursuits do seem more fit for the explanation that the current authorities (both political and religious) in Russia are not seeking to defend Orthodoxy as a primary objective, but rather the whole of “Christianity” as they themselves have stated their goal was. That is a fundamental shift that is ecumenist in nature, and fits very well with the danger we have been trying to present for a long time: that of trying to form a common front of all Christians, regardless of doctrinal differences, in the name of fighting against the evil of the West … https://orthodoxviews.wordpress/2013/08/13/russia-the-center-of-global-christianity/ https://orthodoxviews.wordpress/2014/03/27/high-treason/
Posted on: Sun, 10 Aug 2014 20:59:30 +0000

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