San Francisco Chronicle to stop using Redskins to refer to - TopicsExpress


San Francisco Chronicle to stop using Redskins to refer to Washington football team Published October 30, 2013Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO – The San Francisco Chronicle has joined a growing list of publications that will no longer use the term Redskins when referring to Washingtons NFL team. Managing Editor Audrey Cooper said Wednesday that the newspapers style committee decided to eliminate the term because of a long-standing policy against using racial slurs. Not everyone has to be personally offended by a word to make it a slur, Cooper said in a statement titled A name unfit for print. Make no mistake, she said, redskin is a patently racist term. Someone should inform the staff of the chronicle about their beloved 49ers team name I am offended by the 49ers team name.This group of gold-digging profiteers exploited the Native Americans as slaves when they arrived in Caifornia for the gold rush,and were responsible for the deaths of 100,000 natives. The gold rush created a major labor shortage as many Californians left their jobs and went to the gold fields. This shortage created opportunities for many people that needed the work. Most of these people were immigrants who, when they finally reached California, found that the gold was harder to find and less abundant than they dreamed. They consequently got jobs in the cities and towns that were quickly growing. Unfortunately, this labor shortage also resulted in the exploitation of the Native Indians that was quite similar to slavery, without the official name.- mgeylman
Posted on: Fri, 01 Nov 2013 03:07:26 +0000

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