Sarah emailed--Hi, my name is Sara. I hace been a left AKA for - TopicsExpress


Sarah emailed--Hi, my name is Sara. I hace been a left AKA for 13-14 yrs...due to an auto accident.....they took my leg on my 32nd birthday and as you all know it is never an easy feat losing a first leg doc never tooka casting or did anything but get up too close and personal while measuring...:-)sent me outta there tellin me that if i gained10 more lbs at 160 from 147 that I would NEVER WALK!!! I left outta ther t totally devastated...took it to a PT and she told me that he gave me leg that woul NE ER fit me....way too tall and one of those jokers that do not bend at the she told me good luck as I went along my way...kinda losin companion if 16 yrs found out that he had cancer not long after so I spent my every waking hour just wanting to spend every single mome t that God spared us bejng by his side...he died peacefully at home a bit longer than a yr. after losin my leg... I ended up moving to DE from MD and was blessed to meet a lady who worked for a prosthetist.that man measured me one time..:-)no casting and the computer and hands on work... made me a C LEG:...which he set so that I could learn to walk with the horrible contracture I had developed....found the bessst PT in tne whole world to me at least:-) them....they are a father and son team and even his wife works as a receptionist/ all around helper....before goin there my leg doc even got me two weeks in aE renab to learn to walk...after all..:-I had been in this chair for ten is my dilemma....last January, I flipped another truck after hitting black ice at 50 miles per mile from the other one...: the helicopters were there and so was my Ma..:-)didnt think I was hurt until I awoke the next day...had fractured my ste andr ribs were broken so no PT until the meanwhile, my fiance was found dead on our couch from a fluid filled lung....that was in April Father in July...a sudden death....they believe his heart gave my aunt succombed to cancer in Sept....right after her, a guy who I grew up with and would always lift my spirits when feelin down...we all grieve in different ways and I am not justifying why I havent been ti PT since OCTOBER:....The contracture is back and I have put on at least 15 or so lbs...I know how to get the contrature out real fast.. Put the leg on w/a weight on it and, lay on my bed n, let it hang til I feel it pullin on the hip a d cant take no more pressure for 15-20 min. 3-4 x`s a day...used to lay on my belly with pillows under the stump but my PTS son did his internship with some of the worst case scenerios so at times his input suggestions are just fabulous....soooo u are most likely like okay GET TO THE POINT.....the point is that when I go back for my first PT appt.....I will surely be a bit embarrassed and I pray that just ONE or more of you out there can give me some words of encouragement....I read this page after prayer and it inspires me yet I feel like a real wimp....bc for real.for real, after back hurts soooo bad from not usin the muscles that I cannot wait to take the leg off...I know what I need to moree consistant with my appointments and I need tk get over this fear of walking alone without holding on...if and shoulnt say IF, however...had I gotten a decent leg in the beginning and so on I woulda been walking within at leasr a yr: of my accident..:I am 45, a very happy go lucky person and I need someone who can relate and not judge me....just looking at the pics of babies and young children whowear the leg when the stump is blistered horribly...bc they want to walk no matter how bad it hurts....makes me feel small.....they inspire me more than I couls ever put into words.. humbled
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 19:45:00 +0000

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