Satans Big Deception, Christianizing Christmas! Is - TopicsExpress


Satans Big Deception, Christianizing Christmas! Is Christmas and its season, a time of the year that has been sanctified and made holy by Jesus Christ, or is it a season and day that has been christianized by the deception of Satan the Devil? Does Christmas observance represent the will and command of the true Jesus Christ of the Bible, or is its observance all part of Satans greater deception in his Christianizing all of todays Christianity. Satan and his false ministers and evangelists of light, II Cor. 11:13-15, have created many false Christs in todays Christianity. One of Satans false christs that he and his ministers have created is the christ that they raise up, exalt and worship through their borrowing the sun-worship customs of idolatry of the past and use them in observance to commorate the Christmas season of the year all in the name of Jesus Christ. Is Christ pleased with people associating His name, His birth (whose birth was not even at this season) with all the symbols and customs of rank, pagan idolatry and commandment transgression that represents SUN WORSHIP of the past? Is the spiritual image of a christ that professed Christianity pictures, acknowledges and creates at the Christmas season the same Christ of the Bible? Do churches performing Christmas plays about Christs unknown, unrevealed birth date, and the singing of Christmas songs in His Name at this season, force the hand of Christ to compromise His own law, His judgment, and commandment by permitting His body of believers to set aside and proclaim this pagan, idolatrous day of Saturnalia-sun-worship, to be a Christian Holy Day, a day to commemorate Christs unknown birth? The truth about this religious exercise, is that Christ for the present time is permitting the great deceiver, Satan to deceive people to go their own way, to worship a false christ of their own choosing and Satans creation, and continue to experience the curses of sin and the wages from the eating from the forbidden tree. Why, because God is letting man experience the ways of the forbidden tree in order for him to learn some vital lessons about life. The wages of sin, following the ways of the forbidden tree, Gen. 3:3, compromising true Christianity, is death, Romans 6:23! Jesus Christ is soon to bring on a world wide house cleaning judgment among all professing to be ministers and followers, Malachi 3:2-7. Will your spiritual house stand the coming trials and tests or will it coming crushing down like the WTC towers? Read and study I Cor. 3:13-15 for understanding. God says in Malachi 3:2 - And he shall sit as refiner and purifier of silver, and shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the Lord an offering in righteousness. Christmas does not in any way represent the Christ of the Bible! Christ has not commanded a day or season, to commemorate His birth! The Christ of the Bible does not represent lying to children, parents being disloyal, unfaithful, and deceiving their own children by teaching them to worship a fictitious, Santa Claus idol! But many will cry but it seems so innocent, and so does the satanical stories of Harry Potter representing wizardry and witchcraft, sins that God in His Word also condemns, II Chron. 33:6, Gal. 5:20! Christ does not command or represent a season to entertain or retain a pagan belief in a mystical, god-like Santa Claus idol, by setting up and decorating an evergreen tree as an alter for the placing of gifts, Jeremiah 10:1-10. Jeremiah in these verses, warns Gods people not to learn the ways of the heathen by observing such customs or like customs! The Christ of the Bible does not represent a perpetuating of idolatrous customs of any kind, like that of Christmas, Halloween, or Easter, nor will He live in any confessed believer, or save, or protect any person who has any association with these idolatrous days, II Corinthians 6:14-17. These seemingly innocent religious exercises of celebration and worship bear evil fruit that our Lord warns against (Matthew 7:15-24) and are a gross mis-representation and deception regarding Jesus Christ and His purpose for coming to this earth and the giving of His life! It seems that whatever Christ says dont do, religious people do, and what He commands in His Word to do, people dont do, all in the name of Christianity! These Christmas celebrations are all part of Satans great deception that people seem to be unaware of, and most seem not to want to think about and take seriously what they do involve! Jesus Christ did appoint a day and season to remember to keep in memory of His death, His Passover, a day that todays Christians do not keep and remember with the understanding that He came to die for their sins, sins that they are unable to identify, cannot explain, and that they commit continually every year at the Christmas season! However, His mercy is still available, if they see to understand and will repent of these sins of idolatry, lying, covetousness and taking His Name falsely and in vain, then Christ will forgive, justify and make one whole. But today, false and misled Christians profane His true Sabbaths and Holy Days, and then institute a day such as Christmas to be holy, that He has not commanded to be kept Holy. For a Scriptural example describing people keeping their own feasts, holydays, and sabbaths, read and study Isaiah 1:14-20. He came to warn people to repent of these sins, not to perpetuate these sins of iniquity through a false christ worship. How opposite is the Christ of the Bible from the created christs of professed Christianity, Matthew 24:24! Christmas, along with Easter and Halloween, all days of Satan, are observed under the disguise of todays false Christianity and do not represent Jesus Christ, His life, His birthday, His death or any of His Word! Christmas is an example of an Adam and Eve like situation where Satan has deceived the wife of today, EVE, and she convinces her husband, ADAM, by convincing him that there will be no harm come upon them and their families from celebrating these days. They say we are doing it for the childrens sake and Christ will not judge us for lying to our children, because it is based on our love for them! Jesus Christ says through John, that is not love, because His love comes through the keeping of His commandments, not breaking them, I John 5:2-3. Please study Isa. 3:12 for a prophecy about how families will be, and how they are fulfilling His prophecy today. Satan, through these days, creates a false christ of lasciviousness, of doing what seems right in ones own eyes, and all in the Name of Christ! Satan exerts pressure on people to memorialize these pagan, idolatrous days, by wrapping them in ribbon with Christs Name on them! This rebellious spirit and influence is kept strong, believed to be justified, and unafraid of its consequences through churches, false ministers and retail stores, who all resist and trample all over Gods commandments in their lives, Jude 4-7! The ministers that preach and perpetuate these idolatrous days will be punished along with their followers! If these ministers know that they are preaching and teaching against the commandments of Jesus Christ, He says in Luke 12:47, they shall be beaten with many stripes. Luke 12:47 - And that servant, which knew His lords will, and prepared not himself, neither did according to His will, shall be beaten with many stripes. Everyone must remember that todays mainstream, professed Christian churches do not keep or observe any one of the commanded, sacred Holy Days of Jesus Christ, that He has appointed to be kept and to be observed with their great meaning, their meaningful symbolism, and their all importance in understanding Gods Plan about ones salvation! All of the days that todays Christians observe are from pagan, idolatrous, false religions of the past and are perpetuated by their churches! They justify their works of iniquity by twisting the Scriptures such as, Romans 14:5-6 and Colossians 2:16-17, plus many other Scriptures to abolish in the minds of their members Gods law and create a false christ of a lasciviousness grace, with no repentance to obey Gods Ten Commandments! Jesus Christ says plainly in Mat. 19:17 a person must keep the commandments if he desires eternal life. Paul says plainly that the wages of sin is death, Rom. 6:23. After Christs death James said plainly in James 2:10-12, that if you find yourself breaking anyone of Gods commandments, you are a transgressor of His law and will be judged by Gods law of liberty. What does Gods law of liberty mean in this verse? Many become confused over this verse 12 of James 2 because of the word, liberty, as it pertains to Gods Law. They have come to believe that this means through false teachings, that they are free from keeping Gods law. This is all the work of Satan and his ministers appearing as ministers of light. The truth is: the keeping of Gods law makes one eligible to be freed, to be accepted to be justified from the curse of the law, the judgment part of the law that says the penalty for commandment transgression is death. Hence, James calls it the law of liberty because if you repent of breaking it, begin to obey it, you can be freed from that death penalty, by asking for Christ and His Sacrifice to cover and justify your sins and by this, one is accepted by Jesus Christ and made free from the curse of the law given in judgments. His Word tells us that you must be a doer of the law or a keeper of the law, in order to be accepted for Christs favor of mercy and forgiveness, Rom. 2:13. Rom. 2:13 - For not the hearers of the law are just before God, but the doers of the law shall be justified. The doers of the law are the commandment keepers! The false teachers of todays Christianity quote Romans 3:20 and 28 to justify their breaking of Gods commandments, and preach falsely through misunderstanding of these verses, that a believer does not have to keep Gods law! This has been Satans lie from the very beginning, that man will not die by following his own way and refusing to obey Gods law, but can be a law and god in himself. This is why todays Christians justify their sins of Christmas observance, as well all their other sins they are committing. They have been deceived and are deceiving others by Satan deceptions! These verses in Romans 3:20 and 28 are saying it is not by keeping the commandments that will cover our sins and be the substitute for the justification of our past sins. Repentance and obedience are conditions and changes of ones mind, heart and life that is required of a sinner in order to be accepted by Jesus Christ, in order to have His sacrifice to cover and justify our past sins.
Posted on: Thu, 20 Nov 2014 06:20:59 +0000

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