Saturdays have a predictable flow, although the incidents that - TopicsExpress


Saturdays have a predictable flow, although the incidents that flow are not predicatable. I got going good on the show, and we had a caller with a lost cat. I always put those messages on air, and usually they run a week or so. This time within a hour I got a call back. The cat was found. And its all due to KMUD. I am to receive chocolate chip cookies for my part in this. So, a double good event during the show. The music was pretty good, too. On the other hand I went to the pharmacy/grocery store in Garberville to look for toothache deadeners (for someone else, Im glad to say). The pharmacist was helpful, I got something and decided to take a fling at having a pastrami sandwich for lunch, since it was to be made with 1000 islands sauce. Didnt care for it. Too little 1000 islands, more like 10 islands. My sweetie says that is a terrible combination anyway and she could be right. Discovered two new types of in lieu markings on Falkland Islands registered covers, among the incoming ebay auctions. Hard to believe Ive been working on this project for over 2 years, and new types are still showing up. I should get the philatelic Nobel for this work. Although my back was still a bit tender I decided to get to work cleaning up the debris which accumulated in the west yard during the 3 years the pine rounds sat there waiting to become firewood. Lots of leaves, but also a significant amount of soil. It seems to me that Ill be better off if the foundation of the house is slightly higher than the yard, rather than, as it is now, slightly lower. So, I got out the scoop shovel and restarted the job which threw my back out a few days ago. Moved some 5 barrows of earth and leaves to bring the parking space up to grade, not a bit of problem with my back. Talk about luck - and trying to follow Sonias advice about not twisting, and the best way of lifting. So far, so good, Sonia. My sweetie and our grandson set the bathtub up on the outdoor shower platform, and set up her clothes line (just in time for winter.) I nailed together a step so she can ascent to the platform easier, and placed a few bricks in the walkway. It felt good to be working with bricks again, but tomorrow for the first time in a long time, I dig. Firewood and keeping the yard clear are good, but digging is the essence of life. My plan is to reset the gradient of the east walk from the outdoor shower to the law study. The walk has been sinking into the earth during the winter boglike conditions. My sweetie thinks, on the other hand, that I should make the path more sinuous. Remember the story about the Czar of Russia who got so tired of hearing wrangling over the placement of the rail line that he grabbed a ruler and drew a straight line on the map and said to put the line there? Thats what my walk looks like, only shorter. I think Ill finish it then consider completely redoing it as an S curve rather than a straight line. Ah, yes, during the big dig to expose the rock feature, I have unearthed a number of rocks which are too small to be part of the feature, but large enough to use in a wall. But what wall? Ive been asking myself this, and as I got the parking space filled in, it came to me. A short wall at the edge of the parking space so that we dont back the cars off the 4 drop to the lawn. Landscaping is like the Towers of Hanoi, you can move things around, but everything has to go somewhere. Im going to bed. Tomorrow is going to be such fun that Im eager to start getting to it. See you then, meanwhile have a good night, sleep tight, and pleasant dreams.
Posted on: Sun, 27 Oct 2013 06:29:02 +0000

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