School year is about to start... Just a reminder to everyone to - TopicsExpress


School year is about to start... Just a reminder to everyone to remember who you are. It is when adversity strikes that our core values and the principles we learn at LEAP are truly tested. Are you strong enough to continue living by them, or do you fold? The easy and the right choice are not always the same. Do what’s right, associate with the Eagle, and do what you OUGHT to do, WHEN you ought to do it, whether you WANT to or NOT-- NO debate. #LikeTens #BePhenomenalOrBeForgotten #KnowYourTop5 3 of my favorite videos/speeches to get myself going and keep it rollin... https://youtube/watch?v=95L0mqHKve4 https://youtube/watch?v=GJWIRyUAur8 https://youtube/watch?v=N-XAPfiUVVY
Posted on: Sun, 31 Aug 2014 03:11:32 +0000

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