Science tells us that when you observe a photon of light it - TopicsExpress


Science tells us that when you observe a photon of light it affects the behavior of another entangled photon over vast distances of space instantly. Einstein called this spooky action at a distance and it bothered him because it suggested that information was traveling from one photon to another faster than the speed of light. And Einstein had already showed the nothing can travel faster than the speed of light. Recently, physicists also showed that entangled photons not only communicated instantly over vast regions of space, but they also communicated over time as well. When a physicist observed the behavior of one photon, it affected the behavior of a photon that was observed earlier in time. Somehow the present affected the past. This is driving physicists nuts. How can information travel faster than the speed of light and how can the present affect the past? Enter Kabbalah for a simple answer. Einstein was right. Nothing travels faster than the speed of light. Thats because nothing is traveling at all. The information is already there. Whats fooling physicists is the idea of information traveling. There is no information traveling between two photons because there is no such thing as traveling or motion or even two photons on a deeper level of reality according to the Zohar. The two photons are one. Everything is interconnected as one on a deeper, hidden level of reality. Physicists are merely poking a hole in the software that runs this illusionary, virtual reality that we live in, and they are finding this oneness. Furthermore, time is also an illusion so there is nothing traveling back in time. However, in our material, virtual world, we are under the illusions called time and space. This is for free will purposes. THIS is the real meaning of the last two months where we used Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur to affect the past. By changing our consciousness in the present, we now affect the past negative deeds of the previous year. The same way altering a photon in the present, affected the photon in the past. Science now proves what Kabbalah taught two thousand years ago. So what creates the illusion of time and space in this world? Whats the software that introduces time and space into our lives? Ego. Ego consciousness, according to Kabbalah, is what fabricates time and space, delaying our redemption and creating separation between our present moment and the future paradise. The way to bring the future into the present is to remove ego. The way to remove the space between the paradise that awaits tomorrow and the present moment is to remove the space between ourselves and our friends and foes. And the way to fix the past is to change in the present. So constant change and transformation of our ego is how we affect the past and future so that the present moment can conceive the paradise that is our destiny. This is what the Zohar calls Messiah. Now we can understand why kabbalah was called mysticism for twenty centuries. Today, its called quantum physics.
Posted on: Fri, 17 Oct 2014 11:22:52 +0000

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