Scientists want to weaponize H7N9 flu virus in ‘controlled’ - TopicsExpress


Scientists want to weaponize H7N9 flu virus in ‘controlled’ environment - The same people in charge of weaponizing the H5N1 flu virus now want to modify another pathogen that has the capacity to spread among humans. It seems that for some scientists the world does not have enough threats to the lives of billions of people, so they actually promote the creation of even more threats. This is the case of a group of insane scientists who believe that it is a good idea to modify a lethal virus in a lab, even though that could cause a worldwide pandemic. These mad scientists are of the type of Ron Fouchier, from the Erasmus Center in Rotterdam, and Yoshihiro Kawaoka, from Wisconsin University. These guys are the ones who last year manipulated the H5N1 flu virus to enable its contagion among mammals. They did so for the sake of science, they said. Now this year, scientists like Fouchier and Kawaoka want to do something similar with the H7N9 flu virus. ~Rebel III% thedailysheeple/scientists-want-to-weaponize-h7n9-flu-virus-in-controlled-environment_082013
Posted on: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 21:18:48 +0000

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