Second letter to the Facebookian people Church is in - TopicsExpress


Second letter to the Facebookian people Church is in session: Reverend Race James here. Disclaimer; I have never applied for, nor have I paid anyone to agree with me in writing that I am a reverend. I am not state certified. I may not even be God certified. Read at your own risk. Good morning if your hair looks like a flock of seagulls you are in the right “church”. No dragging yourself out of bed, No woe is me comments. No complicated costume to put on, no messy makeup to fart with. No moaning, chanting, gold, silver, or burning purses here. Just strait talk free. Your here with a push of a button, and a little mouse manipulation. Feel free to stay in bed, have breakfast, drink coffee, smoke a cigarette, flip between church and text messages. Do whatever you like in this church. It is all allowed, as long as it never hurts another. Church is now in session. This is all live this morning with no forethought, (or malice). Most religious institutions today are passing away. The corrosive effect of centuries of internal spiritual emptiness, fear, punishment, and threatened damnation no longer work. Torture, cruelty, and slander are no longer allowed, not because there immoral, but because it’s illegal. Many priests today would be given the death penalty for what they were doing a relatively short time ago to their flock. I have a right to voice my opinion about the catholic church as I said a few letters ago. If you belong to another big church please don’t be smug. Maybe they have not burned witches, but many churches commit their most egregious acts, through the sin of omission. It is not what they say on Sunday. It is what they don’t say. Yes they hand out inspiration like wine, round hard bread, or Hershey kisses. In small increments, and installments. Can’t give you the truth in one installment. Dole it out over a lifetime. Get them hooked on truth, so they have to keep coming back here for more. Tell them when there spirit is dying that it’s ok, we have pills now to treat your depression. Just make sure we get that $ 10%. You want the truth? Can you handle it? What if I said you are allowed to do anything. You are allowed to make any choice you like. There is no right or wrong thing to do. there is no right or wrong answer. Your only job in this life is to become, and be you. What if I said you can have no fear ever about whether or not you are doing the right thing. What if I said you will never have to fear anyone or anything again? Well folks, that is the TRUTH!. One more time. That is the TRUTH! The good news of Jesus that has been hidden for 2,000 years from his people. This statement comes with a serious disclaimer. All is allowed but remember, their could be consequences. In my experience the real consequences are reserver-ed for when we hurt others. Woe be unto you on this one. If you make a bad choice like getting to drunk it will make you sick, throw up, and give you a hangover. Remember to drink less next time and you will be ok. It has been said “everything in moderation. I have not always paid attention to this wisdom and I have to say I do not regret most of it, but I am getting to old. If you insist on being right over being happy, you could loose the people you love most, like your wife, or children or husband, and were talking real sin and personal agony here. Make personal judgments like I know whats best for them. Try to change who they are, be right about it long enough, and they will jump ship someday. And they are right to do that, and this is just! Even if they don’t, you will never really know them. How sad. New day, no real happiness or meaning in my life, but I’m still right, and I still know whats best. No God is gonna get you later for it. You kill your heart, soul, happiness, and promise right here right now. Hell is on earth. When Jesus said do not judge, THERE WERE NO EXCEPTIONS! NONE, ZERO, NADDA! And NO, IT IS NOT OK TO JUDGE THE SIN, AND NOT THE SINNER, IT IS THE EXACT SAME THING! Let that lie go to while you are at it. You never need to give another’s thoughts or actions, another thought. It is not your job, your right, or your place, to even think about what another person should be doing! All you are required to do is mind your own business. You cannot even possibly know what is best for your children, with the exception of trying to stop outside physical danger. They are soul travelers like you and have only been placed in your care for a while. What part of DO NOT JUDGE do we not understand? It is our ego/devil/inner voice and it’s never ending judgments, followed by the wonderful feeling of being right about them, that destroys all our true and real happiness. The other big happy killer in life is being attached to out comes in our lives. We will reserve that topic for next week. For now party on and live your life. Make conscious choices, don’t be right, always love your neighbor as your self, and never let the voice in your head tell you what to do. There is always a better way. Love you all, Reverend Race James.
Posted on: Wed, 26 Mar 2014 21:54:25 +0000

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