Secret codes in Surya Siddhanta By Mayesa dasa Editor - TopicsExpress


Secret codes in Surya Siddhanta By Mayesa dasa Editor Gauragopala dasa We find on page 149 of Surya Siddhanta published by HDG Danavir Gosvami a list of numbers. For example the sun is 4,331,500 and the moon is 324,000 and the planet Venus is 2,664,637. We have already shown in previous articles how when we divide these numbers by approx 11,859 we derive 365.25 and 27.32 AND 224.69 respectively. These are the days of revolution of the planets.We can also derive them by using numbers found elsewhere in Surya Siddhanta. Days during kalpa 1577917828 divide by years in kalpa 4,320,000 equals 365.25...Or for moon 1,577,917,828 divide by 57,753,336 (revolutions of moon) equals 27.32... Similarly Venus 1,577,917,828 divide by 7,022,376 equals 224.69...Other planets we find on that page. On page 150 of the same book we find a number 18,712,080,864,000,000 which is explained to be the movement of the ether. It is also a mathematical device. (That is not to say it is not the distance of the ethers circumference, also) As we have divided 4,331,500, the sun and found it to contain 365.25 we can divide the ether by various numbers and confirm various distances to the planets and other things which help us in working the formula described on page 148 - 18,712,080,864,000,000/21,600/ (648/2/Pi) /864/2/Pi/ 28,022=21,813.4...21,600 = 60 X 360648/2/pi= higher apsis sun 864/2/pi = lower apsis sun 28,022 = earths circumference (painting us movement of sun north and south) 21,813.46028 i=actual circumference of earth at 23.5 degrees (suns declination) We can experiment with this number in many ways which will show us that this number is specifically chosen for mathematical purposes.
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 09:42:11 +0000

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