Seeing my tattoos all brown and muddy from the sun really annoys - TopicsExpress


Seeing my tattoos all brown and muddy from the sun really annoys me more and more day by day, its like I moved to tattoo inferno in the deepest pits of hell, I have never encountered in all of my career such a ridiculous amount of irresponsible people. Especially after posting so many times about it. I know the mentality is I paid for it I can do as I like... that is totally evident. People really just dont get it... The sun is destroying your tattoos , these are my many hours of original art which I dont charge for designing out the window, plus the countless hours of tattooing out the window. A complete lack of respect for me, for the art, for yourself. I am sorry but I have to say this and I know some people take it personally and have attacked me here and on the net... But this is a serious issue and I cannot emphasize the severity and impact it is having on me. I am physically very very tired after tattooing because I work very fast vigorously and proficiently to get the original art laid into the skin without pre made stencils, the vast majority of my work is totally freehand. It is mentally and physically demanding and taxing...It is very challenging trying to get the art work and composition to flow and compliment the shapes and curves of the body. A lot of concentration is needed on my part... I wait in eager anticipation for my next sessions to continue the next stage which includes contrast and definition. I build up the tattoo, its my style... So seeing the skin in terribly poor condition with my art looking pathetically dirty and unhealthy ( looking aged ) really upsets me beyond any words these posts could ever convey. People please wizen up. Yes its your own body but its my original art and news flash I will no longer work on such people. I suggest taking these posts seriously. This is my personal Facebook and those who do like it need not respond just kindly unfriend yourselves from here and respect me please. Avoid the sun! If you really need to go use complete sun block and cover with appropriate clothing( covers ). Your tattoos are perishable they are not at all safe in the harmful rays of the sun... Especially if you have ongoing projects with me please at least show me some respect, I have felt sick to my stomach these last days seeing my tattoos looking sooooo bad. The most pathetic thing is we are not even close to the sea or ocean!!!!! I am at a point in my life that I want to enjoy every single tattoo project that I am working on and treat it as if it were my last and final, God only knows how hard I have worked .... I simply want to enjoy my last years tattooing
Posted on: Thu, 29 May 2014 10:23:01 +0000

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