Segun Oshinaga 2 hours ago via mobile · WINNING WISDOM - TopicsExpress


Segun Oshinaga 2 hours ago via mobile · WINNING WISDOM DEVOTIONAL - WEDNESDAY 3RD JULY, 2013 - THE POWER OF A PERSONAL EXAMPLE – PART THIRTY – TWO – SERVING ONE ANOTHER – MINISTRY OF ENCOURAGEMENT 2 "Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are now doing." 1 Thessalonians 5:11 The world is in dire need of ‘encouragers.’ There is no shortage of those who are too willing to discourage, diminish and dismiss the grace of God in our lives. We all need encouragement day to day and time to time. ‘Encouragement is the oxygen of the soul.’ George M. Adams (1837-1920) One of the greatest gifts we can give to people is the gift of encouragement, praise and comfort. Lack of encouragement is at the root of most failures. Discouragement is rampart in the absence of encouragement. Lack of accomplishment is often traceable to denial of encouragement. Very often, life is a mixed bag of the good, the bad and the ugly. Learning to isolate the good from the bad and ugly and nurture it by encouraging it, feed it with praise and nourish it constantly with support, prayers and kindness can change a person or even nation’s destiny. This is even more important for children and young people. Psychologists tell us that productive, focused men and women are often the products of environments where praise, encouragement and support are a given. Parents who are not stingy with encouragement and support are likely to raise confident, highly productive young people. Let’s continue from where we left off yesterday. 9. Encourage others to develop God-given plans and goals and then become actively involved in helping them reach those goals (Hebrews 10:24). Psalm 64:5 speaks of those who “encourage each other in evil plans”; we should encourage one another in godly plans. It is good to remind ourselves that we all need each other if for no other reason, at least for encouragement. We need to be in each other’s ‘amen corner’ – shouting ‘go buddy go.’ Our most spectacular achievements are hollow if there is nobody to celebrate them with, nobody to cheer us on and nobody to take pride in them. 10. Use Scriptures to encourage others. “For everything that was written in the past was written to teach us, so that through endurance and the encouragement of Scriptures we might have hope.” Romans 15:4 There is at least a verse of Scripture to encourage anyone in any kind of trouble or circumstances. God is a God of encouragement. We ought to be people of encouragement. Pick up your phone today to encourage somebody today. NB: A. If you like your friends and family to receive and be blessed by this devotional, please forward their email addresses to me. B. If you have a prayer request and will want me to pray with/for you, please email/text/ call me. Thanks. C. We are trusting God to have this devotional printed and circulated widely. If you would like to assist with finances, please contact us. Thanks Dr. Segun Oshinaga has had a rich and varied experience and career in business, ministry and government. He is the Ceo of Productivity Plus, a training programme for executives in industry and also host of Productivity Plus TV Broadcast, a personal development, life enhancement programme. He also runs Leadership Plus and Winning Wisdom Network. To invite him for training of your workforce or sponsorship on radio and TV stations, call +2348030773584, +2348189074232, +2348122827890 or email - droshinaga@gmail
Posted on: Wed, 03 Jul 2013 10:41:52 +0000

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