Selections -- Fall 2014 book -- new anthology of writing with - TopicsExpress


Selections -- Fall 2014 book -- new anthology of writing with boricua history inside! The book has my familys stories starting with my mtDNA results to trace back hundreds of years. There were Sephardic Jews who had to convert to Catholicism. My ancestors greeted Columbus when he arrived on Puerto Rican soil in 1493. Others were the conquistadors and, later, Africans. Stories about Puerto Ricans in el barrio before it became Spanish Harlem are rare. They were the pioneers of the community. Did you know opera singers strolled through the area to entertain the poor? Were you aware boys like my uncle made money carrying blocks of ice upstairs to neighbors ice boxes from trucks? Why did my grandmother have to send 4 of her children to 3 different boarding schools during the Great Depression? How did President Roosevelts New Deal directly impact my mothers family? What did Louie Armstrong give my mother and her family? Family photographs help readers visualize the past. Paperback can be purchased via the Clear Lake Area Writers website: clearlakeareawriters/home.html Now available on Amazon for Kindle: amazon/s/ref=nb_sb_noss/184-0510429-4834567?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=clear+lake+area+writers+sessions
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 05:24:35 +0000

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