Self Defense Tips How to stay safe during the holidays 1. - TopicsExpress


Self Defense Tips How to stay safe during the holidays 1. Number 1 rule – Be alert and aware of your surroundings at all times. 2. Always walk with confidence and never mope around with your head down, this will make you less of a target for bullies. Bullies are like wolves – they often hunt in packs and only prey on who they perceive as weak so if you walk around with confidence then you will not appear weak. 3. When dealing with a potential threat or persistent pest always speak in a firm confident voice, especially if you have to say no. This lets the other person know that you are not afraid and mean business. 4. Listen to your inner voice, if something doesn’t seem right when you enter a situation and you get the feeling that you should leave, do so. 5. While walking turn around and look behind you occasionally – this makes it harder for anyone to sneak up on you. Try not to walk alone at night. Avoid walking in dark places such as poorly lit streets, alleyways or paths edged by tall thick bushes. In these places it is easy to be surprised by someone jumping out at you. 6. If you think you are being followed do not go home instead go to a crowded public place or a police station. If you go home then the person following you will find out where you live. 7. Carry a mobile phone with you whenever you go out so that you can call for help if needed. 8. When asking for directions always choose carefully who you ask – for instance do not go up and ask bunch of teenagers, as one unfortunate tourist did one day and got beaten up. 9. When using the ATM turn around on occasion and look behind you. This lets any potential muggers know that you are aware and vigilant. If you think you are in danger then cancel your transaction, pretend you are annoyed that there is no money in the bank and walk away. After withdrawing money put it away as quickly as practical – never advertise to potential muggers that you have lots of money to steal by counting your money out in the open for all to see. 10. Always park your car in a well lit non-isolated parking space. When approaching your car have your key in your hand so that you don’t have to fumble around for them in an emergency and always check the back seat for intruders before you get in. 11. When entering a public building such as a restaurant or pub always take note of the entrances and exits so that you can make a quick escape if necessary. Look around the room and try to size up the people there for potential threats when you first arrive. If you have to sit at a booth try to sit on the outside so that you can easily get out if attacked or threatened, this also applies to busses and trains. If you are threatened and have to leave get a friend or one of the staff to distract the person so that you can leave peacefully. 12. Always be on good terms with your neighbours so that you can go to them for help if necessary and also so that they do not think you are just a crazy stranger trying to gain access to their house. 13. When all else fails remember your Rhee Tae Kwon Do training.
Posted on: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 13:05:43 +0000

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