【 Sep 30, 14 HKT 00:30|Sep 29, 14 EDT 12:30 】 (More - TopicsExpress


【 Sep 30, 14 HKT 00:30|Sep 29, 14 EDT 12:30 】 (More Versions will be coming, please stick to our page. You are also welcome to join our translation team.) speech made by White House spokesman Josh Earnest I have read the news reports about this. I can tell you that the U.S. government is closely watching the situation in Hong Kong. Around the world -- so this is true in Hong Kong and other places -- the United States supports internationally recognized fundamental freedoms, such as the freedom of peaceful assembly and the freedom of expression. The United States urges the Hong Kong authorities to exercise restraint and for protestors to express their views peacefully. The United States supports universal suffrage in Hong Kong in accordance with the Basic Law and we support the aspirations of the Hong Kong people. We believe that an open society with the highest possible degree of autonomy and governed by the rule of law is essential for Hong Kong’s stability and prosperity. Indeed, this is what has made Hong Kong such a successful and truly global city to this point. We’ve consistently made our position known to Beijing and we’ll continue to do so. We believe that the basic legitimacy of the Chief Executive in Hong Kong will be greatly enhanced if the Basic Law’s ultimate aim of selection of the Chief Executive by universal suffrage is fulfilled. We also believe that the legitimacy of the Chief Executive will be enhanced if the election provides the people of Hong Kong a genuine choice of candidates that are representative of the people’s and the voters’ will.” 美國白宮發言人Josh Earnest 較早前發表的言論: 「我從新聞報導得知這消息。我可以告訴你,美國政府現正緊密觀察香港的情況。美國在全世界均支持國際認可的基本自由,例如和平集會自由以及言論自由;這當然也包括在香港以及其他地方。美國政府呼籲香港有關當局保持克制,並容許示威者和平發表意見。 美國政府支持香港按照基本法進行普選,並支持香港市民對落實普選的訴求。我們相信一個富有高度自主以及法治的開明社會,是香港安定和繁榮的重要條件。這亦是過去令香港成為目前如此成功的國際城市的原因。 我們一直不斷向北京表明我們的立場,亦承諾會繼續此做法。我們相信,透過落實基本法內定明由普選而產生之行政長官的最終目標,將大大提升香港行政長官的基本認可性。我們同時亦相信,一個給於香港市民能夠選出真正代表他們以及投票者意願的行政長官候選人的選舉,將有效改善香港行政長官的認受性。」 (Source: iipdigital.usembassy.gov/.../20140929309078.html... Video / start from 4:53 : https://youtube/watch?v=tlMjRkzz3mo) #UmbrellaMovement #occupycentral #hongkongstudentstrike #hkstudentstrike #hongkong #hk #hk926 #hkclassboycott #UmbrellaRevolution
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 08:54:35 +0000

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