September 4, 2014 Dear Friends, Unfortunately, once again, we - TopicsExpress


September 4, 2014 Dear Friends, Unfortunately, once again, we are reminded how violent and senseless this world can become. There are no words to make sense of the random destructiveness of evil in our world. We know it is there; we hear and read news reports from its effect in other communities or countries around the globe. But when it hits close to home, its reality is almost numbing. How do we live in such a world? A couple of verses come to mind and give me hope, not only as such times as this, but also in my daily living. I recently shared with the staff a devotion on the entire passage from Romans 12:9-21, ironically it is subtitled in most Bibles something like “The Marks of a the True Christian.” Which is truly an unfortunate subtitle, because it is misleading from what Paul was really saying. A better subtitle would be “The Marks of Genuine Love,” because it begins, “Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good” (v.9). In addition to describing what this genuine love looks like in the midst of a world in which evil still wrecks its havoc and chaos, Paul writes, “Do not repay anyone evil for evil, but take thought for what is noble in the sight of all” (v.17). And, “Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good” (v. 21). While the forces of evil and chaos have been defeated in the resurrection of Jesus Christ, they still persist in our world and remain part of our reality. We pray each Sunday, and many of you every day, “And let us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.” We are to not give in, nor be overcome by evil when it strikes, but to overcome it with good, what is noble, and with genuine love. We pray for the survivors and their families who will be picking up the pieces of their lives for a long time to come. We pray for the surviving neighbors, many of whom are members of our congregation, as they try to move on after living through such horror. Instead of numbness, a response of genuine love should move us to pray for other victims and other neighborhoods who are trying to make sense of the senseless and to overcome. Out of a sense of genuine love, not anything I have earned but through grace that has been given to me, I reached out to Willis Johnson the pastor of Wellspring (a United Methodist Church) in Ferguson, MO last month with assurance of my prayers to sustain him in his witness and work with his community. I also offered him tangible support in a number of different ways, and that offer remains open. Part of his response to me included, “We have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of support for Ferguson and our church community at Wellspring.” None of us will ever know why violence and evil lash out so randomly in our world as well as in our neighborhoods. But we can know, when it does, you are never left alone. Violence and evil are overcome by good people, who offer noble acts and genuine love to the grieving, recovering, survivors. Be good today, and overcome, Rusty Choir Resumes and Holy Communion this Sunday The choir will resume singing an anthem as part of the 10:00 a.m. worship service this Sunday. The choir practices on Wednesday from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. in the sanctuary. If you have questions you may contact Bill Johnson at 816-941-0112. Also, we will celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion at each worship service this Sunday, September 7. DeFeet Hunger 5k run/walk This year’s event will be on Saturday, September 13 at St. James UMC. You may still register online at defeethunger or you may register at the event after 7:00 a.m. You don’t have to walk or run to be part of the event, you can also volunteer by packing lunches and/or supporting the race. Proceeds from each runner/walker though help provide 10 meals each through your registration. Let’s see if we can have another big turn out from Red Bridge UMC. Covenant Bible Study The first of three eight-week consecutive sessions of Covenant Bible Study is signing up now. It will begin on Wednesday, September 24. You may choose from a 10:30 a.m. to noon class or a 6:00 to 7:30 p.m. class. The deadline to sign-up for the first section is Sunday, September 14. The cost for participant manuals for each section is $20 or $50 for all three; you may pay as the class proceeds. Each section asks participants for daily reading and reflection on Scripture and commitment to weekly meetings which will involve video discussion of the weekly passages and group reflection and learning. If you have questions, please contact Rusty at 816-941-0112.
Posted on: Thu, 04 Sep 2014 16:16:43 +0000

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