September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and Blood Cancer - TopicsExpress


September is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month and Blood Cancer Awareness Month. Loving/serving the Lord is my biggest job and being an advocate for my children is another important duty of mine. Sorry if I tell the same stories over and over.....I think of things to write and then just cant remember if I have already put those thoughts on the website or not?!!? The first picture of Whitt in the orange Tennessee Blanket was taken on March 27, 2013 about a week into his initial intense chemo phase. We stayed at cook for 8 days straight, fought a lot of medicines down his throat, cried a lot, laughed a lot more. The second picture was the four of us at easter in 2013. My sister and her family brought will to visit and we hunted eggs on the TCU campus. Retail therapy can help an emotional momma so a friend had come to visit and she and I went shopping at GAP before I knew I was pregnant. I like to look back at the pictures and laugh because I bought like extra small shirts and skinny jeans not knowing that I would only wear them for about three weeks!! Then, the nausea (due to my pregnancy) in the picture of Whitt and I and his chubby cheeks. With the pickle of course. I mean if he had asked for one more bean and cheese burrito from rosas in ft worth...I just dont know. I love rosas but that was just BAD. We were at a friends t ball game in ft worth. Blessed to have friends and family there to let us camp out for a while. That picture was taken April 13, 2013. The next pictures are from his chemo treatment this week in midland. It was his first time since he has started back to school. Praying he holds his strength and endurance as these medicines are in his body going to school and playing soccer. He was a champ like always. I just put him to bed and he was tired and complaining of his legs hurting and he didnt feel good. Dont know if he is coming down with something or if he is just tired. There is one night a week that he takes all the medicine in the picture give or take a few. Blood pressure, fever blister, steroid, chemo, anti acid, and allergy medicine. Most mornings and nights he takes about 3-5 medicines. We have come a long way in a year and a half. Never in a million years did I ever think I would have a child with cancer. I would never wish this on my worst enemy. And, I feel like we have a good cancer, one that has a great cure rate. My heart hurts so bad for families that lose their children to these awful cancers and tumors. With social media and Facebook you connect easily and I enjoy reading of other families going through our journey, but I just melt when things dont turn out right or good. Its easy for me to say let gods will be done as my child is flourishing and tolerating things pretty good as another child and family has just discovered new tumors all over her abdomen and may only have weeks to live. If you want to read about some of the latest and greatest research I would encourage you to go to the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattles website. This place is the birthplace of the bone marrow transplant. Dr. Phil Greenberg is a renowned immunologist working on T cells in which we use our own cells to fight cancer instead of all the crazy medicines. The research center does a great deal with a lot of cancers and other diseases. If you are ever able to give financially and you feel lead to give: my recommendations are the leukemia and lymphoma society and the fred hutch center. Thanks to all of you faithful followers!! God bless you.
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 02:40:32 +0000

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