Serious question: why is Michael Browns (alleged, for the sake of - TopicsExpress


Serious question: why is Michael Browns (alleged, for the sake of legal accuracy) murder at the hands of police a right wing vs. left wing issue? Why is it that a website called mrconservative seems to be leading the charge in publishing misinformation such as BREAKING NEWS: Michael Brown Suspect in Store Robbery or BREAKING NEWS: Audio corroborates PD account of shooting. Whats happening and what has happened in Ferguson should be a conservatives worst nightmare, it is an actual example of government overreach let alone the fact that it is not fiscally responsible to use this level of force/national guard troops for what has been mostly peaceful protests marked by isolated incidents of actual [likely justified] unrest (completely aside from the humanitarian nightmare that is ghettoizing a neighborhood and forcing curfews in a situation where the problem is the escalation of police force and the ghettoization of their neighborhood.) Conservatives in the media and actively working in politics seem to be ready to mount an armed revolution against Obama because he forced the deadline for signing up for Obamacare to be pushed back, meanwhile the government is treating an entire town like hostile combatants and theyre looking for ways to blame the victim and make heroes out of the guys in full on military camo and armor who are arresting reporters for filming (something that has been reaffirmed as legal as recently as 2012 [abajournal/news/article/Supreme_Court_Gives_Nod_to_Citizens_Who_Record_Police_Amidst_Reports/]) and are basically stomping all over the constitution.
Posted on: Tue, 19 Aug 2014 00:27:48 +0000

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