Shalom in the immortal Name of YAHUWAH the Almighty loving Father - TopicsExpress


Shalom in the immortal Name of YAHUWAH the Almighty loving Father of all creation. Hear and receive the ancient blessing of YAHUWAH that was breathed forth to MoshAH by the eternal breath of YAHUWAH, hallo RUWach QadUWsh the blessed wind of shamaYAim that restores and heals and makes clean forevermore apart from all of our own works. YAHUWAH bless-guard-watch-keep-anoint you, YAHUWAH make His immortal face to shine upon you and anoint you with His chanan-favor, YAHUWAH lift up the QadUWsh light of His immortal face upon you and cover you with His shalom-peace, YAHUWAH puts His immortal Name upon you, YAHUWAH blesses you. Praise the immortal Name of YAHUWAH who makes us according to the immortal light of His face by His chanan that He wills from before the foundation of the world. This is the eternal seal of the book of the unveiling that the 144,000 walk in according to the anointed light of the Name of YAHUWAH and not by their own strength. Whosoever shall call upon the immortal Name of YAHUWAH shall be truly delivered. Let us come to the true anointed Sabbath rest of the order of YAHUWshua MoeshiYAch who declared upon the tree of YAHUWAHS offering for the sin of the world,It is finished, it has been accomplished, it has been done, I AM the way the truth and the life, and no ahdam comes to the Father except through Me. For there is no other method of righteousness that YAHUWAH will ever accept, but only the offering of His Son YAHUWshua. YAHUWshua is our truth and all power of righteousness in the immortal Name of YAHUWAH that He unveiled in the completeness of the will of love, light, and all authority in shamaYAim. Bless YAHUWAH O my soul and all that is within me, bless His QadUWsh Name. The ancient blessing that we read of in the eternal scrolls of YAHUWAH have been given to us in the fullness of the reign of shamaYAim that all RUWach authority would be breathed forth through our mouths upon the eretz-earth to establish the restoration of the love of YAHUWAH within the heart and soul of all ahdamah. The Word of YAHUWAH is our eternal Lamp unto our pathway where the powers of death and fear have been cast under, anointing our footsteps with the fiery sound of His presence that esteems His promise given forth in HosheAH 13:14. YAHUWAH has ransomed us from the power of the grave, He has redeemed us from death beloved, this is the anointed power and immortal authority of the precious blood of YAHUWshua. YAHUWAH has given us His seal of approval through His Right Hand of all power and immortal authority, hallo YAHUWshua MeoshiYAch. All that YAHUWshua was doing, was walking out the fullness of the ancient blessing inscribed forth in Bemidbar-Numbers 6:22-27. Beloved children of YAHUWAH you were created for the immortal greatness of the reign of YAHUWAH upon the whole earth filled with the fiery anointing of the breath of YAHUWAH flowing forth through every word coming out of your mouth. Let us speak in oneness of all the blessed promises given forth through the mouth of YAHUWAH that YAHUWshua continually taught forth and demonstrated to all of His taught ones, He was modeling out the same attitude of agreement that Yahuwshua and Caleb spoke forth in the ancient of times of MoshAH entering into the promise land, this is the understanding of the 144,000 who walk in the spoken authority of the Name of YAHUWAH by the unveiled wisdom of RUWach QadUWsh concerning the ancient blessing that we are the eternally sealed of YAHUWAH according to His will from before the foundation of the world. YAHUWshua continually cried out, Not my will be done, but Your immortal will YAHUWAH be done in all of My ways that You sent Me forth to walk in the fullness of according to the power and authority of Your breath. This is the ancient calling unto the pathways of YAHUWAH by His order and not that of the fleshly mind that is connected to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. According to the scrolls in Debarim-Deuteronomy 1:38-39 the youth of the time of Yahushua and Caleb a type and shadow of the identity of what the two witnesses are going to be speaking and teaching forth at the appointed time will be a message of deliverance from the knowledge of good and evil. They will be teaching the completeness of authority of immortal light in the promise land where the Tree of Life dwells, hallo YAHUWshua the risen Lamb of YAHUWAH who declared that we must eat His flesh and drink His blood to walk in the realm of immortal authority, hallo, having no knowledge of good and evil, the place that we no longer speak according to the darkness of the fleshly mind that is connected to the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, but speak in the light of anointed breath that agrees with the promised blessing of the Tree of Life that YAHUWshua MeoshiYAch is the fullness of walking in the flesh, to free us from the power of the grave that dwells in the realm of the flesh, hallo for this purpose the Son of YAHUWAH was unveiled forth to destroy the works of the devil, and it is the devil who at one time held the power of death, the power of the grave according to AbraYAhu-Hebrews 2:14-15 but has been destroyed by the eternal offering of the Lamb YAHUWshua who appeared in the flesh to destroy him who held the power of death that is the devil. YAHUWshua declared that it is done, it is finished, now the fullness of all life is granted unto the whole earth, freeing us once and for all from the powers of the grave-death which is what fear is the very strength of and is the rooted stronghold within the fleshly mind. Take great simchah-joy, eternal beloved, for you have been truly set free, your price for sin has been paid in full and now you can walk immortally by the anointed covering of the precious blood of the risen Lamb, for the last enemy to be cast under our feet is death beloved, and it is the very scrolls of YAHUWAH that declare His Word is a Lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. This is the anointed mindset of the 144,000 walking upon the whole earth in the fiery light of the Name of YAHUWAH inscribed upon their foreheads, they will be walking in the unveiled wisdom of the mind of MeoshiYAch that is the mysteries of the Name of YAHUWAH that YAHUWshua spoke forth to MoshAH long ago from the burning bush. This is the authority of Debarim 1:38-39. A fiery anointed wind is blowing forth from shamaYAim, a shofar of anointed unveiling to prepare the body of MeoshiYAch to receive its anointing process walking forth in the fullness of the mind of MeoshiYAch, a lightened pathway that the feet of YAHUWAHS children behold, and no longer see the sin of the world but release a fire from RUWach out of their mouth that truly appropriates the authority of the blood of YAHUWshua that cleanses and restores and makes whole again, for YAHUWshua the eternal Lamb of YAHUWAH took away the sin of the world and forgave ahdamah of all his sins to make perfect once and forever by the eternal will of YAHUWAH and not that of the will of the fleshly mind that came from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which seeks to identify in its own form of righteousness of works which is the mark of the beast and its image. A voice of one is crying forth unto the wilderness of all ahdamah, Come unto the place of rest in the provision of all the eternal works of YAHUWAHS Lamb that washes you completely clean, you are truly clean through the precious blood of YAHUWshua and not by any of your works whatsoever. YAHUWshua is our power of authority with YAHUWAH and nothing else will ever be accepted. Call upon the eternal Name of YAHUWshua and you shall truly be delivered. Bless YAHUWAH O my soul and all that is within me, bless His QadUWsh Name. Receive the eternal love of YAHUWAH for you beloved, YAHUWAH does love you and has absolutely forgiven you, believe it, you are forgiven and loved forever through YAHUWshua.
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 02:25:16 +0000

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