Shalom to all, WHAT’S IN A NAME IN THE BIBLE by Pierre (Rock) - TopicsExpress


Shalom to all, WHAT’S IN A NAME IN THE BIBLE by Pierre (Rock) Eksteen This long study is NOT intended to judge any person, church, or institution, but merely to WITNESS the most IMPORTANT TRUTH of Scripture [ that has NOT been proclaimed from pulpits]. It is CERTAINLY NOT my place to say who is saved and who not. (ALL BIBLE REFERENCES ARE TAKEN FROM THE NOG VERSION) This message is NOT for religious and traditional people, who believe everything that they are taught from pulpits. This message is INTENDED for TRUTH-SEEKERS and LOVERS of Scriptural TRUTH! For centuries the majority of priests, prophets, pastors, rabbi’s, and ministers have taught that we must call on the name of “jesus” to be saved. Is this REALLY what Scriptures TEACH? Is this the TRUTH? Please continue to read and test this IMPORTANT study against Scripture and Scripture alone. The TRUTH that I will share with you from Scripture has transformed millions of lives in the past couple of years, INCLUDING mine as an ex-charismatic pastor.I resigned my position in 2007. Firstly, we must KNOW and UNDERSTAND that Scripture was tampered with by man. The FALSE PEN’S of the Scribes [and Translators] have taken AWAY from Scripture and ADDED to Scripture, which is FORBIDDEN (Deuteronomy 4:12, says Yahweh spoke to you from the fire. You heard a voice speaking but saw no one. There was only a voice.; Deut 12:32, says Be sure to do everything I command you. Never add anything to it or take anything away from it.; Proverbs 30:6, says Do not add to his words, or he will reprimand you, and you will be found to be a liar. Revelation 22:18-19, says I warn everyone who hears the words of the prophecy in this book: If anyone adds anything to this, God will strike him with the plagues that are written in this book. 19 If anyone takes away any words from this book of prophecy, God will take away his portion of the tree of life and the holy city that are described in this book ). WHAT did they TAKE AWAY and WHAT did they ADD? Let’s look at ONLY ONE EXAMPLE . . . In the indexes to many modern-day translations, Translators openly CONFESS to changing the Name of The Almighty from YHUH/YHWH to “LORD”, in order to maintain a TRADITION (device) of men. See below a quote from the NIV Life Application Study Bible: In regard to the divine Name YHWH, commonly referred to as the Tetragrammaton, the translators adopted the DEVICE used in most English versions of rendering (that name) as LORD in capital letters NOT only did they tamper with the Father’s Name (YHUH/YHWH), but obviously also with the Messiah’s Name, and the majority of other names in Scripture. The letter “J” still does not exist in Hebrew or Greek. “Jesus” never occurs in The Original [Hebrew] Scriptures. The first 4 editions of The King James Bible carried the [Roman] Catholic Vulgate “Iesous or Iesus.” In around 1650, “Iesus” was changed in the KJV to “Je-sus”, where it has been popularized till today. WHY does this matter? Simply because there is significant meaning to every name in Scripture, ESPECIALLY the Names of Father and Son. Every one of our unique names has specific meaning, which aligns to our personality and character. Names are NEVER translated, but transliterated. A transliteration is PRONOUNCING a name or word the SAME as it is spoken in the ROOT (ORIGINAL LANGUAGE), using the letters of the Destination (SECOND) LANGUAGE to make the SAME SOUND as the ROOT (original) language. Hence the MEANING of the name REMAINS the SAME. Our names REMAIN the SAME, no matter what countries we visit or immigrate to. Our names DON’T CHANGE to fit-in with the language, culture or traditions of the countries we visit. The two most revered NAMES of FATHER and SON have thus never CHANGED from the BEGINNING to this day. Scriptural and Historical EVIDENCE clearly PROVES that Scripture was FIRST WRITTEN in ANCIENT HEBREW. Ancient Hebrew is thus the ROOT LANGUAGE of Scripture. It is the LANGUAGE that The Almighty used to communicate with His Messengers, like Adam, Abraham, Moses, etc. (See Genesis 14:13, ; Genesis 41:12; Exodus 2:11; Yonah/Jonah 1:9). Messiah OBVIOUSLY spoke Hebrew as is evident in Acts 26:14, All of us fell to the ground, and I heard a voice asking me in Hebrew, ‘Saul, Saul! Why are you persecuting me? It’s hard for a mortal like you to resist God.’, so too did Paul (Act 21:40, The officer gave Paul permission to speak. So Paul stood on the stairs of the barracks and motioned with his hand for the people to be quiet. When the mob was silent, Paul spoke to them in the Hebrew language.; Act 22:2, ; Phillipians 3:5). Scripture teaches that SALVATION/DELIVERANCE is of the JEWS (Hebrews) according to Yohn/John 4:22, You don’t know what you’re worshiping. We Jews know what we’re worshiping, because salvation comes from the Jews. Scripture also teaches that Messiah came from the tribe of Yahudah (Jews), the same tribe that Dawid belonged to (Hebrews 7:14, Everyone knows that our Lord came from the tribe of Judah. Moses never said anything about priests coming from that tribe.) The Yahudim (Jews) spoke Hebrew, NOT Greek, Latin or English. If Scripture was written in ancient Hebrew; if our prominent forefathers were Hebrews; if salvation comes from the Hebrews; if Messiah was a Hebrew –then OBVIOUSLY Messiah had a HEBREW NAME, NOT the Greek Name (Iesous) that was later translated to the Latin name (Iesus), which was translated to the “universal name jesus”. REMEMBER that NAMES are NEVER TRANSLATED –if you were born with a Spanish name, your name will REMAIN SPANISH, no matter where you live in the world. We do NOT have a name in every language on earth –we all have ONE NAME that can be pronounced in every language on earth! Messiah was born a Hebrew, grew-up as a Hebrew, and was given a HEBREW NAME. It should be evident to all discerning believers that Messiah’s Name should POINT to SALVATION to be legitimate. The names Iesous (Greek), Iesus (Latin), and Jesus (English) have NO MEANING in Hebrew and does NOT POINT to SALVATION at all. This alone and the fact that names are never translated DISCREDITS their relevance. Let’s go to Scripture to see on WHOSE NAME we are to call for SALVATION. . . In my image (attached to this post), you will SEE all The Scriptures quoted from a proper Restored Translation (The Besorah (Message) of YAHUSHA, which is very similar to the Halleluyah Scriptures, the ISR and the Restoration Scriptures –all of them RESTORING the ORIGINAL HEBREW NAMES in their translations). SCRIPTURE clearly TEACHES that Almighty [Father] is our Saviour (Isaiah 43:11, says I alone am Yahweh, and there is no savior except me. and Hoshea 13:4, says “I am Yahweh your Elohim. I brought you out of Egypt. You have known no god besides me.There is no savior except me.). We are thus to CALL on the Name of The Almighty (Father) to be saved (Acts 2:21, says Then whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.’; Romans 10:13,says So then, “Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.”and Yoel/Joel 2:32, says Then whoever calls on the name of Yahweh will be saved. Those who escape will be on Mount Zion and in Jerusalem. Among the survivors will be those whom Yahweh calls,as Yahweh has promised.) Now this is where the CONFUSION comes. As you will see (from my image attached to this post), the Name of the Father carries 4 Hebrew letters, whereas the “Name” listed in modern-day Translations is “LORD”. Lord is NOT a NAME, but a title. Scripture does NOT teach that we are saved by a title, but IN the NAME of The Almighty. There is a significant DIFFERENCE between a title and name. It is also important to KNOW WHAT the title “Lord” really stands for: In Hebrew (the authentic language of Scripture) Lord means Baal. Hebrew Strongs H1167 baal: owner, lord Hebrew Strongs H1168 Baal: Baal The same as baal; Baal, a Phoenician deity--Baal, (plural) Baalim. See BELOW further confirmation from The Free Dictionary that calling on lord is unacceptable when referring to the Almighty . . .Ba•al (bääl, bäl, bl)n. pl. Baals or Baal•im (bää-lm, bälm) 1. Any of VARIOUS local fertility and nature “GODS” of the ancient Semitic peoples Considered to be FALSE GODS by the Hebrews. 2. often baal A FALSE GOD or IDOL. Almost ALL PAGAN gods are called “Lord” by their followers, so too the greatest deceiver (satan) of all, as well as exalted man, being knighted as “lords”. Are pagan gods, satan and exalted man EQUAL to The Almighty of Heaven and Earth? It is blasphemous, disrespectful and unacceptable to call The Almighty “Lord” as His 3rd Commandment (Exodus 20:7 says “Never use the name of Yahweh your Elohim carelessly. Yahweh will make sure that anyone who carelessly uses his name will be punished.) And Exodus 23:13 says “Be careful to do everything I told you. “Never mention the names of other gods or let them be heard on your lips. The scriptures clearly teach. If we are to CALL on the NAME (not title) of The Almighty (Father) to be saved, where Does, the Name of Messiah fit into all this? Evidence from Scripture will teach us the TRUTH. Firstly we have to establish [FROM ANCIENT HEBREW] what the Name of The Almighty is. We ALREADY ESTABLISHED that His Name carries 4 HEBREW LETTERS (Yud-Hay-Uau (Waw)-Hay), which gives us the four letters “YHUH” from ANCIENT Hebrew, and “YHWH” from Modern Hebrew. We already ESTABLISHED that Names are never translated, but TRANSLITERATED; hence we get to the TRUE NAME of The Almighty. Yud -makes Y sound Hay -makes ah sound Uau [Waw] -makes a oo sound, thus u or (uw) Hay -makes the same sound as the second letter, namely ah If we add them all together, we get Yahuah ANCIENT (Pictograph) Hebrew uses WORD PICTURES to describe the meaning of words, making it simple for believers to UNDERSTAND the true meaning of words. Each word may have several meanings! What do we get when we ADD the 4 Hebrew letters of Yahuah’s Name? He Who makes [creates] reveals –Behold, He secures . . . The Almighty is the Maker [Creator], Who reveals [His plan to His people to build His family, giving them His Torah (Teachings, Instructions, Commands, Direction, Laws)] to behold them [watch over them and observe them], securing them [attaching them firmly, so that they cannot be moved or be lost]! Do we see how the character of Yahuah is linked to His TRUE SCRIPTURAL Name? The TRUE SCRIPTURAL [Hebrew] Name of Messiah is IN His Father’s Name and POINTS to SALVATION. Scripture teaches us that the FATHER and His Son are ONE (Yoh/John 17:11, 22 says I won’t be in the world much longer, but they are in the world, and I’m coming back to you. Holy Father, keep them safe by the power of your name, the name that you gave me, so that their unity may be like ours.)! Scripture also teaches that the Son came IN His Fathers Name (Yoh/John 5:43 says I have come with the authority my Father has given me, but you don’t accept me. If someone else comes with his own authority, you will accept him.) and did everything IN His Fathers Name (Yoh/John 10:25 says Yeshua answered them, “I’ve told you, but you don’t believe me. The things that I do in my Father’s name testify on my behalf.) . . . CONSISTENT with the Fathers nature; the authentic Scriptural Name of His Son is also ROOTED in His own set-apart Name! Our FATHER made His Name (Exodus 3:15, Again Elohim said to Moses, “This is what you must say to the people of Israel: Yahweh Elohim of your ancestors, the Elohim of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, has sent me to you. This is my name forever. This is my title throughout every generation. Isaiah 42:8 says I am Yahweh; that is my name. I will not give my glory to anyone else or the praise I deserve to idols.) as well as His Son’s Name (Matthew 1:21, says She will give birth to a son, and you will name him Yeshua [He Saves], because he will save his people from their sins.” Luke 1:31 says You will become pregnant, give birth to a son,and name him Yeshua.) known to us through His Word. Their Names are ONE as they are ONE (Yoh/John 17:11, says I won’t be in the world much longer, but they are in the world, and I’m coming back to you. Holy Father, keep them safe by the power of your name, the name that you gave me, so that their unity may be like ours. and verse 22 says I have given them the glory that you gave me. I did this so that they are united in the same way we are). Maaseh (Acts 4:12) “And there is no deliverance in anyone else, for there is NO other Name under the heaven given among men by which we need to be saved.” We take the “YAHU” (also the first 3 letters in the FATHER’S Name), which is demonstrated to be the common pronunciation of “yod-hay-uau(waw)” and the “sha” , which is the common pronunciation of “shin- ayin”, derived from the 2 Hebrew words Ye-sha (H3468) and Ya-sha (H3467), and we get YAHU sha . . . which means YAHU-ah (the FATHER), sha (saves), through His SON. This is CONSISTENT with what Scriptures teach, with the Name of Messiah pointing to salvation. Matt 1:21 “And she shall give birth to a Son, and you shall call His Name ע ש ו ה י (Yahusha) for He shall SAVE His people from their sins.” What is also IMPORTANT to note is that Messiahs Name REFLECTS the name of the Tribe from which He came, giving us another indication that the Yahu in His Name cannot be disputed or argued by anyone who has discernment and proper understanding of Scripture! YAHU-dah (Judah) is the tribe YAHU-sha is Messiahs Name YAHU-ah is the Fathers Name All three carry the Yod-Hay-Uau (YHU) YAHU in their Names. Further CONFIRMATION of Messiah’s Name is found in the use of many significant Hebrew words, all directly associated with His Name.Sha bat– Scriptures teach that our Messiah is Master of the Sabbath (Matthew 12:8 says “The Son of Man has authority over the day of worship.”; Mark 2:28, For this reason the Son of Man has authority over the day of worship.” and Luke 6:5 says Then he added, “The Son of Man has authority over the day of worship.”); Shalom–without our Messiahs redemptive work on the pole/stake/tree, we cannot have Shalom/ peace ( Yoh/John 14:27, says“I’m leaving you peace. I’m giving you my peace. I don’t give you the kind of peace that the world gives. So don’t be troubled or cowardly. ; 16:33 says I’ve told you this so that my peace will be with you. In the world you’ll have trouble. But cheer up! I have overcome the world.”); Shama– Hebrew Strongs 8085, meaning to hear or obey {The Word of Yahuah} (Exodus 15:26 says He said, “If you will listen carefully to Yahweh your Elohim and do what he considers right, if you pay attention to his commands and obey all his laws, I will never make you suffer any of the diseases I made the Egyptians suffer, because I am Yahweh ; Exodus 19:5 says If you carefully obey me and are faithful to the terms of my promise,[a] then out of all the nations you will be my own special possession, even though the whole world is mine.); Shaar–Hebrew Strongs 8179, meaning a gate or door. Messiah is the DOOR through which believers must enter to become part of the household of Father Yahuah( Yoh/John 14:6 says Yeshua answered him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one goes to the Father except through me); Shavuot – Messiah Yahu-sha perfectly fulfilled the Festival of Shavuot (Pentecost), which is one of the four (seven in total) Appointed Times of Almighty Yahuah (Leviticus 23:16-22; Act 2:1-4 The Believers Are Filled with the Holy Spirit 2 When Pentecost, the fiftieth day after Passover, came, all the believers were together in one place 2 Suddenly, a sound like a violently blowing wind came from the sky and filled the whole house where they were staying. 3 Tongues that looked like fire appeared to them. The tongues arranged themselves so that one came to rest on each believer. 4 All the believers were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other languages as the Spirit gave them the ability to speak.); Shamayim (heaven)–when Messiah ascended to heaven, He said that He was going to prepare a place for us (Yoh/ John 14:2-3 says My Father’s house has many rooms. If that were not true, would I have told you that I’m going to prepare a place for you? 3 If I go to prepare a place for you, I will come again. Then I will bring you into my presence so that you will be where I am.); Yerushalayim (Jerusalem)– the city in Scripture that Father Yahuah has put His Name and from where Messiah and the set- apart ones will reign from (2nd Kings 21:4, says He built altars in Yahweh’s temple, where Yahweh had said, “I will put my name in Jerusalem.”; 2nd Chronicles 6:6, says But now I’ve chosen Jerusalem to be a place for my name; I’ve chosen David to rule my people Israel.’ ; Jeremiah 3:17, says At that time they will call Jerusalem the throne of Yahweh. All nations will gather in Jerusalem because the name of Yahweh will be found there. They will no longer follow their own stubborn, evil ways.; Revelations 3:12 says I will make everyone who wins the victory a pillar in the temple of my God. They will never leave it again. I will write on them the name of my God, the name of the city of my God (the New Jerusalem coming down out of heaven from my God), and my new name.). We established from this study that Scripture was tampered with by man, taking away from it and adding to it, thus corrupting it. (Jeremiah 8:8 says “‘How can you say that you are wise and that you have Yahweh’s teachings? The scribes have used their pens to turn these teachings into lies). We established that names are never translated, which exposes and NULLIFIES the [corruptly] translated name of “jesus” for the Messiah and the titles “lord” and “god” for The Almighty. NOWHERE in the Original Scriptures will we find a command to call on the name of jesus, or lord, or god for our salvation and deliverance. We also established the TRUE SCRIPTURAL NAMES of both Father and Son! Lastly, we established that we must CALL ON THE NAME of YAHUAH to be SAVED. Many reading this study will argue that they have seen many miracles in the name of “jesus”. We must remember that at the point of us using this counterfeit name, we did NOT have UNDERSTANDING, nor REVELATION of the truth, as it was hidden from us. Thus, the favour (grace) of Father Yahuah covered our ignorance. We live in the end times [of restoration and refreshing] (Acts 3:19-21, 19 says So change the way you think and act, and turn to God to have your sins removed. 20 Then times will come when the Lord will refresh you. He will send you Yeshua, whom he has appointed to be the Christ. 21 Heaven must receive Yeshua until the time when everything will be restored as God promised through his holy prophets long ago.). Those who worship Father Yahuah should do so IN SPIRIT and TRUTH (Yoh/John 4:23-24, says 23 Indeed, the time is coming, and it is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth. The Father is looking for people like that to worship him. 24 God is a spirit. Those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”), NOT in error, deceit or corruption. Once the truth has been revealed to us, we cannot plead ignorance any longer. We will be held ACCOUNTABLE for everything we heard and said, as well as every Choice we made. 1Yohn 4:6 We are of Elohim (Almighty) –the one knowing Elohim hears us. He who is not of Elohim does not hear us. By this we know the Spirit of the Truth and the spirit of the delusion (lies and deceit). 1Yohn 2:4 The one who says, “I know Him,” and does not guard His commands, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. 2Yohn 1:4 I rejoiced greatly because I found some of your children walking in truth, as we received a command from the Father. After I received this REVELATION from Scripture, I CALLED on the NAME of YAHUAH for my salvation (Acts 2:21; Rom 10:13 and Yoel/Joel 2:32), and I accepted YAHUSHA as My Redeemer, Messiah, Master, High Priest, Teacher, Sovereign (King) and Bridegroom!
Posted on: Fri, 29 Aug 2014 19:20:21 +0000

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