Shania Twain sings a song called “Today is Your Day” and I - TopicsExpress


Shania Twain sings a song called “Today is Your Day” and I really like that song! Well, today is MY day to walk through an open door of opportunity and to officially be MY OWN BOSS! Every since I was a young girl I have had a JOB. Most of the time I had 2 or 3 at a time. I would work extra jobs so I could make a little extra so my family could have things they wanted or do something they wanted to do. Growing up my family had a dairy farm and I milked cows after school every day. I have worked in a restaurant, in an office, in department stores, sold yellow page advertising, announced rodeo events, and taught school as a high school math teacher. In December of 2012, almost 17 months ago I found myself signing up to be an ambassador with plexus worldwide. I had bought the products for my husband and he had great success and I knew I wanted my whole family to take the products. There was just one problem … we did not have room in our budget to provide these products for the family. You see financially things were tight! We had made some bad investments and found ourselves owing a lot of money. Actually there was too much month at the end of the money. I even found myself putting groceries and fuel on the credit card. Financial problems can cause stress in EVERY area of your life! Stress in your health, relationships, and every other situation you find yourself. So here I was … I had watched plexus on facebook for about a year and I had seen how people I knew were losing weight and getting healthy in so many ways. Now for me and my family we were healthy … I thought … we only suffered from chronic pain, allergies, fatigue, depression, diabetes, acid reflux, asthma symptoms, migraines, add/adhd symptoms, acne, gut issues … you know … the kind of thing you take prescription meds for. We were healthy??? I myself did not have a need to lose weight, but I continued to watch these testimonies on facebook. I was intrigued. I found out that plexus was a network marketing business. I can tell you this … I WAS NOT INTERESTED IN NETWORK MARKETING! I had already sworn off of that several years ago when I tried another one that did not work out. And after all, I was busy taking care of my family and working my JOBS, there was no time for something stressful like selling something. But I continued to watch the testimonies of health, weight loss, and financial success on facebook. One day a friend of mine, Ginny Norman, made a post on facebook and she said she had joined plexus and was a plexus ambassador. I had noticed my husband had gained weight and I decided that very day to call my friend and order some of this plexus stuff … for my husband to take. I decided WE would try plexus, “I” would buy it, “he” would take it, and “I” would watch. And that is what we did. That is a miracle in itself because whose husband goes for something such as this when it is the wife’s idea. After he took the products and had great success I decided I would sign up as an ambassador to get the products wholesale and I really thought (after seeing how amazing the products were) that I would get a few friends and family to give plexus a try to this would help me to get my products paid for because you see … this was like nothing I had ever seen. The products WORKED!! You know the symptoms I listed above they started to disappear. Plexus was getting our bodies healthy and we were feeling GOOD!! I have to tell you that I have never had to worry about not being able to pay for the plexus products that my family takes. I found that people wanted and needed what plexus had to offer and I shared what it was doing for my family. I quickly was making a profit over the cost of the products that I was ordering for us to take each month. I have never felt like I was SELLING anything. It has been so much fun SHARING plexus and the amazing testimonies!! The rewards that come from being a plexus ambassador are amazing … you get to see peoples lives changed for the better! And the more people you help the more blessings you get to witness!! I found that plexus has a compensation plan that is unlike any other comp plan EVER! They started sending me these checks and each time they got BIGGER! By July I was an emerald ambassador and they were telling me I could drive a Plexus Lexus and go on a paid vacation for 2 to Hawaii. Could this be real … I truly felt like I was dreaming. Getting paid to help people, and I might add I was getting paid really well. At this time I had committed to teach at a new school system and I knew that was what I had to do even though my plexus paychecks were alot more that I would make teaching. I had given my word and that is what I did. I taught school by day and shared plexus every chance I could, I was blessed with an INCREDIBLE team of people who have joined me on this amazing journey. I have done all I could to help them to see the vision and all the amazing opportunities that they too could experience. And in return they have joined in and with teamwork we now learn from each other. I am in awe at what GOD has placed in front of me. You see I believe good things come from God and plexus is surely a good thing! God had a plan all along and I am so very thankful for his provisions! Summer break for school has arrived and guess what!! I will be my own boss from today forward. I will not be returning to the classroom next August. I became a teacher because I felt that was what I was supposed to do. I became a teacher because I felt that the school system needed teachers to make a difference in student’s lives and I hope I have done that. Now I know God is leading me to help people in a different way … I will still be teaching, but I will share health through a wonderful product called plexus and I can’t wait to see the people’s lives that will be changed!! Plexus has offered healthier lives, weight loss, and financial freedom that I never dreamed possible for me and my family. The cool thing is that my friends and family are also enjoying this great opportunity. Some of them have already quit their jobs and are working plexus full time. If you would like to learn more about what plexus has to offer let me know and I will be glad to visit with you. You see, I make my own schedule now and I am super excited about sharing the plexus opportunities. Who would have thought that the day I called my friend to order plexus for my husband would be the beginning of such an awesome life experience. Some people call it “calling in rich” but I can truly say I am calling in blessed beyond measure!
Posted on: Tue, 27 May 2014 13:16:36 +0000

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