Sharing more positive feedback from someone who has downloaded and - TopicsExpress


Sharing more positive feedback from someone who has downloaded and genuinely benefited from my new ‘Sacred Feminine Rising’ Healing Course for women. 6 audio talks, and a 64 page exercise and meditation workbook, on a pay-what-you-can basis. From Janet.. I have been working the Sacred Feminine Rising course since it was first released in January. From the personal perspective, I was immediately drawn to its value on my sacred path. I spent a week alone working through the repressed emotions that were like a weed that could not be killed. In my other work, it had become clear that it had to be dug out, once & for all. All the pebbles on path, were bruising my feet too much. The callouses had softened over the WINTER , and if I were to get both feet barefoot on the ground again, connecting to earth, it had to be done. The course came at the appointed time, synchronously I might add, and I went to work. All I can testify to, is that it has been a priceless stone found on that path of pebbles. I am still working through the process, and probably will do so for some time. No accident, that I read your original posts almost 5 years ago. Thank You for your soul work. It is..a priceless gift. This course is an invitation to heal, resolve, and be rid of the after-effects of difficult experiences and relationships with unawakened men. It recognizes that centuries of warrior conditioning have made it difficult for many men to move from their hearts in their relationships with women. Often without even realizing it, the unconscious masculine leaves an echo of pain, confusion and trauma that lingers, impacting on women’s internal freedom and life satisfaction. The course is an invitation to unload baggage that isn’t yours and to heal and move past what has been left behind... Please check it out at the link…soulshaping/sacred-feminine-rising/
Posted on: Sun, 08 Jun 2014 16:05:01 +0000

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