Sharon Moles Options for this story Joel C. Rosenbergs blog--A - TopicsExpress


Sharon Moles Options for this story Joel C. Rosenbergs blog--A PROFOUND SENSE OF DISMAY IS SPREADING AMONG THE ISRAELI PEOPLE THAT THEY ARE WATCHING THE SUNSET OF THE GOLDEN YEARS OF THE U.S.-ISRAELI ALLIANCE. A PARTIAL QUOTE--Israelis are now genuinely and increasingly concerned that they are watching the beginning of the sunset of the “golden years” of their deep alliance with the world’s only superpower. Consider some recent data points: “A full 55 percent of Israeli Jews felt that the US cannot be relied upon to safeguard Israel’s security during the Iranian talks, with 31% saying the Americans could be trusted on the issue and 14% stating that they did not have an opinion on the matter,” finds a new poll published by the Times of Israel. “Israel should not rely on the US as much as it traditionally has, [Israeli] Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman said at the Sderot Conference Wednesday,” reported the Jerusalem Post. “The Americans have a lot of problems and challenges around the world that they need to solve and they have problems at home. We need to understand them and our place in the global arena.” “Israeli-US tensions over Iran have now emphatically reached the level of a major crisis, involving a fundamental clash of interests,” notes a respected Israeli commentator, echoing the view many analysts here are reluctantly stating. He noted that since the President chose to back down from using military force in Syria after America’s red lines were repeatedly crossed, “Israel has broadly concluded that — while the US insists it is not bluffing, and while it has made preparations for military action — there is no credible American military option [regarding Iran]….There is not absolute certainty in Jerusalem that the United States would have Israel’s back in the event that it did resort to force. If Israel’s leaders find themselves faced with the following equation: on the one hand, the imperative to protect eight million Israelis and the existence of the state and, on the other, the danger of enraging the international community, the choice would actually be quite straightforward. Those in the know in Israel are convinced that, against Iran’s nuclear program, Israel has formidable capabilities. This is not to suggest that the Israeli Air Force would be scrambling on the day after a deal is signed with Iran. But the option to strike would be there.” “There really is a sense of letdown by the United States and the need to demonstrate that Israel will be able to take action,” noted another respected analyst of U.S.-Israeli relations. “I want to add one other dimension to this: French president Francois Hollande is currently in Israel. He was greeted by the prime minister and across the board with enthusiasm, precisely because of the tough stand the French took in the recent Geneva talks that seemed to have stiffened the American position. So, at least temporarily, the French have replaced the United States as Israel’s most trusted ally and guarantor of security.” On top of all that, now the Grand Ayatollah of Iran has said the Jewish State is “doomed to failure and annihilation” and said Israel is a “rabid dog” — right in the middle of the nuclear negotiations — and neither the U.S. or other world leaders (other than France) has publicly rebuked the Iranians. “Israeli leaders have lashed out at Iran’s top leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, for describing Israel as ‘a rabid dog’ in a speech on Wednesday,” reported Haaretz. “Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who flew to Russia on Wednesday to lobby for tougher terms in the negotiations over Iran’s nuclear program, said Khamenei’s comments showed Iran had not changed since relative moderate Hassan Rohani was elected as president in June.” “He called Jews ‘rabid dogs’ and said that they were not human,” said the PM. “The public responded to him with calls of ‘Death to America! Death to Israel!’ Doesn’t this sound familiar to you? This is the real Iran. We are not confused.” “Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman compared Khamenei’s rhetoric to that used by Nazi Germany,” noted Haaretz. “Whoever talks about the Jews using the terminology of Goebbels and Hitler certainly has no intention to develop a nuclear program for peaceful purposes,” he said. The Jerusalem Post reported that officials in Jerusalem have “awaited condemnation of the [Iranian] comments from senior officials of the states taking part in nuclear talks with Iran in Geneva, but such a reaction was not forthcoming. The P5+1 group of world powers negotiating with Iran consists of the US, China, Russia, Britain, France and Germany.” A FULFILLMENT IS OCCURRING RIGHT NOW OF ZECHARIAH 12:2-3--Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling unto all the people round about, when they shall be in the siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: all that burden themselves with it shall be cut in pieces, though all the people of the earth be gathered together against it. PRAY FOR THE PEACE OF JERUSALEM
Posted on: Thu, 21 Nov 2013 22:14:59 +0000

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