Shaun T’s non-stop FOCUS T25 drills are tough, but I love that I - TopicsExpress


Shaun T’s non-stop FOCUS T25 drills are tough, but I love that I can get my whole workout done in 25 minutes. Keeps me from skipping days. What’re you doing for workouts? Im starting a Focus T25 challenge group that starts on Monday August the 4th lady summer I did this program and it kicked my booty then I got really sick and hasnt worked out in a while I recently started back up. Ive been working out 5 day a week and side then Ive lost 20 pounds yes! Ive been drinking shakeology daily and I love it.Ive changed my eating habits doesnt mean I dont want a donut choke or cupcake because believe me I do or how about some nachos I dreamt of them last night but I avoid the urges I look beyond then at what I want for my life for my children as a mother of three children I want to be around for them as long as possible with a history of diabetes and possibly cancer that runs in my family Id like to be healthy to avoid what I can. I stayed weighing in at 225 pounds now I weigh in at 205 pounds Im very proud of myself because the only way you can shove results is through hard work and dedication. Id love to help you reach yours with only 25 minutes a day whats that like not even one tv show! So stop making excuses and make the change there its no miracle diet pill as much as you or I would like to believe is the boring stuff that brings the results. Like working out at most 6 days a week and eating clean because I love my body and if I love my body Im going to feed my body what it truly needs which isnt junk food empty carbs. Now I get excited to try new meals just to try something different. I want to help you feel this way as well to be able to play with your kids niece nephew etc and not get winded and feel like youre going to pass out, no to not starve yourself but to learn proper portion control and so much more. If your interested in changing your life or just curious about what is Focus T25 like my status, comment below your email or private message me.
Posted on: Sun, 20 Jul 2014 19:01:00 +0000

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