*Shizukana* As the dust settles on the MMO battlefield that - TopicsExpress


*Shizukana* As the dust settles on the MMO battlefield that seems to be ever raging, you can begin to hear the chime of a sweet sound rising from the distance. While Wildstar and World of Warcraft battle for dominance like two drunk hillbillies in some backwoods bar fighting for the attention of their belle, a third figure enters. This guy is new and dangerous, a shadowy presence about himself, a little bit of bad boy, but smooth and with all the right words. As these two juggernauts fight, this guy comes in and takes the girl by the arm, walking out the back of the bar into the night off to participate in...well ill leave that to your imagination. Archeage is quickly nearing an American Beta launch, and should be completely stateside very soon. For some of us lucky enough to have people willing to buy the $150 founders pack for us, *erhrm* the chance to check out this new to us Korean gem is now. I have had a couple of days so far witth this game and I have discovered one thing. They must have been listening to my rant about the mmo grind that comes with questing and leveling. It seems that the Koreans might have the best idea on how to handle this, and it comes from being an underachiever. Let me Clarify. When grabbing a quest, which handles the same way is in any other mmo, you are given the option to overachieve or underachieve the quest. Found a group of mobs thats relatively easy and fun to kill, or enjoy the mechanics of certain enemies? well go ahead and kill 20 of these guys instead of 8. You will be reminded on the screen that you are now overachieving the quest and will be receiving extra xp when you turn the quest in. The same goes for quests that you cant stand. Say you hate doing go and get missions where you have to collect animal parts or what not. Tired of finding 25 of these said pats and only have 12? No problem, turn the quest in and finish it for reduced XP. This is ingenious in my mind and should be staple for any mmo that is thinking of making a rise in this crowded bar of choices. I havent had a whole lot of time with this title yet, but I havent hit the annoying leveling wall I have with every other MMO thus far. I am enjoying taking in the beauty of the world, the fresh voice acted story lines (which were just recently translated into English mind you) and the different yet familiar feeling i get when walking through this adventure. Its hard to tell this early on, but i think Im falling in love. I will continue to unravel the mysteries of this game, and will continue to report to you fine people as to what I find, but until then, cheers. P.S I recorded a lot of video but the sizes were too large so this is all I have. I will work on getting you all some more.
Posted on: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 06:30:15 +0000

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