Signs that you are not ready for a relationship 1. You still have - TopicsExpress


Signs that you are not ready for a relationship 1. You still have a boatload of ex issues If you are still dealing with your ex and you are still interested in what is happening in their life then this definitely means that you are not ready to not only move on with your new life but also accommodate somebody else in your life. If you still have strings attached with your ex then you should put thoughts of a new relationship aside because you will just be wasting somebody else’s life. 2. You lack self worth (read, you don’t love yourself) Having self-worth means that you know yourself and understand yourself. That you also love yourself above everything else hence you know exactly what you are worth. When you know your worth then you will allow yourself to accommodate other people and treat them as they deserve to be treated. 3. You are always unhappy when you are alone The true test of whether you are ready for a relationship or marriage is by finding happiness as an individual. Being happy when alone is a prerequisite to being able to create some room for another person in your life. It means you are at peace with yourself, you are done with being selfish and you love yourself above everything else hence you can have a fabulous time with somebody else while making things easier for them as well. 4. You are just too insecure When you have major insecurities it means that you will only be dragging people down with you. It is always better to work on your insecurities if you want to have a healthy relationship with yourself and with other people. Insecurities will always create problems as you will always be focusing on the negative side of everything. You do things selfishly knowing that it will make you feel better about yourself and that is not fair. 5. You are still holding on to the past Holding on to the past means that we are only allowing the past to control our lives hence we get stuck in the moment and it becomes hard to get out of it. If you can’t forget about the past memories that you created with someone else, whether good or bad, then it means that can’t move on. When you let go then you can move on because it means that you are not allowing that person in your past to take control over your life. 6. You are selfish It is true that selfish people love and care for themselves only making it hard for them to care unconditionally for other people. When you are selfish, you want everything done on your own terms. It is always about you and you don’t care about other people’s feelings and this will make it hard for you to maintain even a simple relationship. 7. You still refuse to grow up and take responsibility for past failures When you find yourself still blaming your ex for the wrong he/she did instead of looking at it maturely that both of you had a part to play in things not working out then you are not ready for a relationship. Owning up to your mistakes and the role you played or didn’t play will help you heal faster making you open to the next stage of life that is devoid of blame shifting. 8. You find yourself in another relationship soon after the failed one Giving yourself time to heal is very important. It means that you are clearing your bags making space for new things to come. Especially when you are coming from a long relationship, you should take time to heal as this will also reduce the impact of future heart- breaks. Jumping from one relationship to another just to avoid being single never works in the long run
Posted on: Sat, 20 Jul 2013 12:12:02 +0000

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