Simple questions for Imran Khan to answer The News Thursday, - TopicsExpress


Simple questions for Imran Khan to answer The News Thursday, August 14, 2014 From Print Edition ISLAMABAD: Akbar S Babar, a founding member of PTI, has asled some questions from party chairman Imran Khan through a press release. Politics is about leading by example, it is about removing ‘self’ for ‘us,’ it is about patience and endurance, it is about employing wisdom, if not readily available, borrowing it. And, most of all, leadership is about sacrificing for others. Whereas, our leaders never miss an opportunity to quote contemporary great leaders such as Quaid-e-Azam or Nelson Mandela to build an argument, but whenever put to the test they fall victim to more carnal desires such as power. Quaid-e Azam, our political role model, always exhausted constitutional and legal remedies before threatening political action. Nelson Mandela endured 26 years of confinement in a remote island and yet when his moment came, he chose wisdom over retribution. The confrontation between the PTI and the PML(N) has almost reached a point of no return. Each side accuses the other of using wrongful means to reach or aspire power. The PTI blames the PML(N) for hijacking its self-perceived mandate through fraudulent 2013 elections. The PML(N) accuses the PTI of using undemocratic means to remove a duly elected government. Assuming that all the electoral fraud, corruption, and poor governance accusations leveled against the PML(N) by Imran Khan are valid, can he still be allowed to become the ‘judge, jury, and executioner?’ And, is electoral fraud the real driving force behind the PTI Chariman’s crusade for electoral reforms to the extent of risking an undemocratic intervention? To answer the questions, is it unfair to judge a leader by his actions rather than mere rhetoric. For example, Is it not a fact that the PTI Intra Party elections heralded by Imran Khan to be an example for the Election Commission of Pakistan to emulate, more fraudulent by any standards than the most rigged elections in Pakistan’s history-a fact documented in the party’s internal review commission report? Is it not true that there was massive corruption, conflict of interest, and other malpractices during the PTI ticket allocation, a process adjudged resembling a ‘fish market’ by the PTI Internal Review Commission Report? is it not true that the PTI internal accounts are in shambles, a fact documented in PTI Special Audit Report? Is not true that not a single person has been held accountable for massive corruption and gross violations of the PTI Constitution despite tons of evidence presented to the PTI Chairman? And, to top it all off, is it also not true that in PTI, Imran Khan’s word is final to the extent of declaring a dead victim guilty and the murderer innocent? Simple questions for Imran Khan to answer to test the credibility of his claims of being any different to Nawaz Sharif?
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 06:47:20 +0000

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