Since 1987, Child and Parent Services has facilitated more than - TopicsExpress


Since 1987, Child and Parent Services has facilitated more than 2,000 adoptions, placing thousands of children into loving families. We have always taken great pride in preparing our birthmothers, adopted children and adoptive parents/families for the adoption, as well as maintain open and honest communication with each group throughout the adoption process. We understand that adoption is often a difficult emotional experience, one which does not necessarily end at the finalization of the adoption. We attempt to provide the best counseling and assistance possible to our birthmothers, adopted children and adoptive parents and families following the adoption. We realize, however, that many of our clients often need and deserve ongoing post-adoption therapy services to help them get through difficult issues and problems associated with her adoption. Unfortunately, due toa lack of financial resources we are limited to the amount of post-adoption therapeutic services we can provide to our clients. For this reason I am asking you to make a donation to Child & Parent Services to help us expand our post-adoption therapy services to birthmothers, adopted children and adoptive parents and families. Your generosity will enable us to: Improve the mental health and emotional well being of our birthparents and families. Help our children learn to deal with identity and other adoption related issues. Help all members of the adoption triad cope with difficult and crisis situations. Facilitate all aspects of the search and reunion process. We estimate that it will cost about $80,000 to expand our post-adoption therapy services to meet the needs of our clients. Your contribution, at whatever amount is feasible for you at this time, will help us reach our goal. childandparentservices/donate.html
Posted on: Tue, 11 Jun 2013 17:25:00 +0000

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