Since Spontaneous Generation- or life coming from non life has - TopicsExpress


Since Spontaneous Generation- or life coming from non life has never been observed and has been proved to be impossible, how can we continue to call it scientific fact? The major links in the molecules-to-man theory that must be bridged include: Evolution of simple molecules into complex molecules, Evolution of complex molecules into simple organic molecules, Evolution of simple organic molecules into complex organic molecules, eventual Evolution of complex organic molecules into DNA or similar information storage molecules, and eventually Evolution into the first cells. This process requires multimillions of links, all which either are missing or controversial. Scientists even lack plausible just-so stories for most of Evolution. Furthermore the parts required to provide life clearly have specifications that rule out most substitutions. With a theory thats foundation relies on an abundant amount of unserved assumptions, why is it so impossible and ignorant to accept a Designer or First Cause was how life started. This approach is an observed and non theoretical position, as everything we observe on our world has an observed cause.
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 03:42:12 +0000

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