[[Since its way too long to be sent in the PM, Im posting it here. - TopicsExpress


[[Since its way too long to be sent in the PM, Im posting it here. uwu This is the unedited version of whats supposed to be chp. two. ^^ Aden couldn’t take her eyes off of Jake. He looked embarrassed, one of his hands was rubbing the back of his neck, and he couldn’t even meet her gaze. “See?” He pulled off his shirt, setting it down on the bed. He pointed to his chest, where those same Marking’s rested on his skin. Hesitantly, she reached her hand out and touched one, surprised at how hard it was. “I’ve been doing my research on them. I wanted to see what causes them.” “But
 Agent’s are dangerous!” She traced one that was on his chest with her finger, following it down to his abdomen, then across his hip to his back. What she saw there shocked her. There was a big oval-like shape—what, she couldn’t help thinking, almost looked like the body of a spider, and the lines were the legs of the spiders— that was in the middle of his back, sending out different lines in different directions. Across his shoulders, across his chest, across his ribs, across his hips
 Yet they were all connected, all one big Mark. “They’re violent and murderers! You’re no murderer, Jake
” Jake grasped her hands, his dark eyes gentle. “Agent’s have been grouped with the wrong sort of people, Aden. Legends say that we are evil, murderous people who want nothing than to overthrow The Master’s. In reality, we’re trying to fit in and to become a part of this society. You know about those ‘accidental deaths’, ‘suicides’, and ‘missing peoples’ reports? Those are the deaths of Agent’s, murdered because they have power that The Master’s do not. We aren’t dangerous, just misunderstood.” He gave her hands a squeeze. “I promise you. Healer Thames and I have proved that we are just normal people, wanting to do normal things in this world.” She shook her head, pulling her hand away. “Who else?” She asked quietly, watching as his eyebrows furrowed in confusion. “Who else has... Those?” Aden demanded, pointing at his chest. “Why do you have those?” “It’s genetic, Aden. If your parents had them, then it’s a fifty percent chance that their child will receive the same exact Mark’s. They can appear at any time from age nine to age twenty-one. I can normally pick out someone who has the Marking’s, easily. Just the way they carry themselves
” He trailed off, but met her gaze boldly. “Liam and Tyler are, and your mom is as well. Your dad isn’t, but I assume he knows or else he would have turned your mom and his kids in. As far as I know, you aren’t one.” He rubbed his forehead, thinking. “Emma is, I am pretty sure Elijah is, their parents are, Healer Thames is one, Ethan isn’t. Emma’s leukemia hides her Mark’s, I don’t know how, but it’s protecting her.” The information was too much, too sudden for her. She backed up against the wall and leaned against it, sliding down to the ground and gasping. “So many people
” Her hands balled up the fabric of her shirt in their grip, her knuckles turning white. “Dad and I are the only people who aren’t?” She asked as she looked up at Jake, seeing how he put his shirt back on. “Why do we have to be different, why are there even Mark’s that set us apart?” Jake crouched down in front of her, his gaze sympathetic. “It’s in your family’s blood. I wouldn’t exclude you just yet, you’re not twenty-one. You’re only seventeen, Aden. If you do have Mark’s, if your mother’s blood is more dominate in you, then your Mark’s should be coming in from anytime this year, or into the near future. And about the whole ‘setting us apart thing’, that’s not what the Mark’s do. I stole a book from the where I’m being apprenticed, explaining everything. Originally, before James Master’s created our world, and started this new world one hundred seventy-four years ago, our world used to be torn apart by war. But, the military took special soldiers who showed signs of being great one day, experimented on them, and turned them into killing machines. The scientist, the one who created the serum to change them, took it as well. She wrote down what happened to her during the duration of the experiment, how the world collapsed, how the Agent’s had to hide
 Here, take the book and read about it. It’ll explain everything.” Jake went over to his bookcase and pulled out a text book, only to open it up and slid out a much smaller book. It looked like a diary, yet it had the word ‘Agent’s’ written on it in capital letters. He handed it to her, which she accepted with shaking hands. “Just read it, Aden. Don’t judge by what everyone has told us, judge by our actions. We’re good, I promise you.” With that, he aided her to her feet and opened his bedroom door, ushering her out. “Tell mom and dad that I won’t be coming down for dinner.” Jake said before shutting the door and locking it. Breathing hard, Aden gripped the diary with a death grip. She quickly hurried back down the hall and slid into her room, shutting it and turning the lock with a sigh. The first place she went was to her bed, sliding it underneath the mattress, pulling her covers down to hide it from sight. Breathing hard, she leaned against the bed with her head in her hands, unable to stomach the new information she had received. How was she supposed too? It was nearly impossible for her to be living with four Agent’s, to have a parent as an Agent, to live right next door to an Agent’s, to be best friends with them too! How was she supposed to keep everything to herself? Pinching the bridge of her nose, she heard her mother’s voice, calling for her to come down to dinner. “Coming!” Aden replied, rising with an unreadable expression on her face and leaving her room. *** In the middle of the night, Aden awoke with blinding pain in her back, right in the middle of her spine. Gasping, she reached out for the light, quickly turning it on. With tears clouding her vision, she tore off her shirt and tossed it haphazardly, her nails sinking right into the spot where the pain was coming from. She couldn’t feel a bruise, nor was there blood
 What was going on? The pain slowly spread from her spine down across her ribcage, looping up across her chest and trickling down to her abdomen. It felt like someone was taking a red-hot branding iron and was trailing it just lightly across her skin. Then, just as quickly as it came, the blinding pain was gone. It just disappeared. When she looked down at her stomach, she saw something that she never wanted to see on her body. Aden had developed Marks. Stifling a scream, she stared at them with her mouth open wide. Lightly, she pressed down on that was on her ribs, hissing as it gave a painful throb. Just lightly, she trailed the tip of her finger over it. Following it back to the even bigger Mark on her spine. They weren’t black and hard like Healer Thames’ and Jake’s, they were red and soft. As she watched, fascinated, the red died down into black. Just as she had before with Jake, she touched them again. They were hard, like a muscle, which really scared her. What if she went missing? What if someone found out and decided to kill her? Just thinking of that made her shudder and curl up, her heart pounding in her chest. She had to tell Jake, she had to see him and ask him what she was going to do about this. He always had the answer, he always knew what to do in a bad situation
 If he couldn’t help, then she’d have to go to her mother. Aden grabbed her shirt, sliding it over her head and forgetting all about her pain. She chanced a look at the clock, stopping once she realized what time it was. Two forty in the morning. Did she risk waking Jake up? Shrugging, she headed out of her room and slipped down the hallway, being careful not to step on the creaking floorboards. She gave a gasp as she stopped outside his door, pressing her hands to her abdomen and frowning. They just pulsed. It was an odd feeling, it resembled a muscle spasm, but much weaker and it didn’t last as long. With her chest rising and falling quickly, she knocked on his door, surprised to find that it was already open. Frowning, she pushed the door open even more and stood in the doorway, hesitant to go in yet. “Jake?” She picked her way across the floor, instantly heading to his bed. There was no one underneath the covers. Instantly starting to panic, she opened up one of the drawers to his dresser, finding no clothes. With the other drawers, it was the same. “MOM! DAD!” Aden cried out, her eyes wild. The hallway lights flicked on and Celeste Taylor stood in the doorway, her hands on her hips. Her shoulder length silvery blonde hair was messy from sleep, green eyes narrowed as she looked at her daughter. “What are you yelling about now?” She sighed, holding a hand to her head. Beside her appeared a male with strawberry blonde hair, his brown eyes wide with anxiety. Tobias Taylor was taller than Celeste by a few inches, but Celeste had a temper that made Tobias just shrink. Celeste leaned tiredly against the doorframe, her eyebrows raised. “Jake is gone.” Aden said quietly, averting both of their gazes. “He isn’t here, all of his clothes are gone, and his bed is perfect
” She trailed off, looking up to see Celeste and Tobias share a long look. “What? What is it that you aren’t telling me?” She asked sharply, barely even able to keep still once her Mark’s gave another throb. Celeste blinked at her daughter sympathetically. “Come, Aden. We need to have a talk. All of us, including your brothers.” She disappeared into the hallway, leaving Tobias and Aden alone in Jake’s room. Tobias quickly crossed the room and wrapped his arms around Aden, holding her tightly. “It’s okay,” he murmured, resting his cheek on the crown of her head. “Jake is going to be okay
” But the tone of his voice said otherwise. “I’m sure we’ll find him in the morning, he must be out or he must be at the lab.” Rubbing the small of her back gently, he sighed. “He couldn’t have gone far, there’s only four Sector’s, Aden.” Swallowing hardly, Aden pulled away and shook her head. “He only goes to Sector A anymore, dad. He never leaves in the middle of the night. Something’s up, and I know it.” Without waiting for an answer from him, she left Jake’s room and aimed straight for the stairs, being careful not to trip on anything as they went down. “Why can’t we turn on the lights?” She complained, holding her hands out in front of her once she reached the bottom of the stairs. “Mom doesn’t want to wake the neighbors.” Tyler replied simply, reaching out with one hand and grasping Aden’s left hand. He pulled her to the sun room easily, setting her down on one of the chairs. “Stupid reason, I think. They should be all sleeping. What’s a little noise and lights going to do? I think your scream for mom and dad has already woken them up.” She could practically hear the grin in his voice. “I mean, you do scream pretty loudly.” Aden rolled her eyes. “Thanks, I guess?” She leaned backwards on her chair, toying with the hem of her black shirt. What were they supposed to do? Jake was gone, Celeste wasn’t speaking, and she assumed her father was still upstairs where she left him. “Where do you two think Jake has gone?” Wrapping her arms around herself, she pressed against her Mark’s gingerly, surprised to find that they were pulsing at regular intervals, almost like a vein would work. “I think your brother is fine.” Celeste said coolly as she sat down in the chair next to Aden, her green eyes glowing in the darkness. She was sitting on the edge of her seat, sitting completely straight. “Now from what I understand, from what Jake has told me, that Tyler and Liam are Agent’s. As am I, now Aden—“ Aden cut her off. “I already know. I talked to him today.” She said in a tight voice, biting back the disgust she felt. “But, I have news before anybody else speaks. I just
 Got my Mark’s tonight. I was trying to find Jake, to see if he could help me and tell me what do to but as we know, he’s gone.” The shocked silence that followed her words wasn’t what she was expecting at all. The first one to break the silence was Tobias. “Why are all of my children Agent’s?” He groaned, tilting his head back. But there was a teasing note in his voice. “I thought at least one of you would come out human but apparently I’m wrong.” “I thought at least one of my children would be blonde, but I was wrong there. We’re both wrong about our kids, Tobias dear.” Celeste laughed, reaching out and taking her husband’s hand with her own. “But now that we all know about each other, we have to be very careful. The Master’s will kill you if they find out. They could find out tomorrow, and kill you next week. Either by making you ‘disappear’, ‘suicide’, or ‘accidental death’. If I’ve made it this far, and if Jake has too, then you three will make it far.” Her tone was serious. Tyler was the first to speak. “I’ve been hearing about
 A rebellion against The Master’s. What does that mean for us?” Aden could hear his hand running across his facial hair, his voice very serious. “That can’t be true, can it?” Celeste shook her head. “No. There is no such thing as a rebellion. There will never be a rebellion. This is our life, no matter how much we hate it.” She heaved a sigh, picking at her black clothing. “I wonder what it’s like to wear color
 To be able to do what we want in the streets. Don’t you hate the Sector’s?” Aden thought of the Sector’s then, closing her eyes as she pictured them. She pictured Sector A to be beautiful and clean, with towering buildings that were the hospitals, round dome-like structures that were the military bases, a pentagon for the government building, and varying sizes of buildings that were the science labs. She imagined it to be pristine and white, very clean. She saw Sector B then, their beautiful red-bricked school with one floor, different sections of it in different parts of the Sector, the wooden libraries, the beautiful stores. Next was Sector C, the rows and rows of houses, the same houses yet on different streets. Then she pictured the small grouping of minor stores and jobs in one corner of the Sector. Sector D had to be the dirtiest Sector of them all, she thought as she pictured it. She could see the dirty homeless shelters, the super markets near the gate, the historic places that were covered in grime, and the major shopping centers that polluted the Sector even more so than it already was. They try as hard as they can to avoid the Sector, but ended up going when they ran out of food. To tell the truth, Aden did hate the Sector’s. She hated having to climb over the fences, she hated having to switch Sector’s for different things, she hated going into Sector D when it was so polluted
 “Is there a way to get rid of the Sector’s completely? I mean, I do hate them
” She trailed off, running her hands through her hair. “I’d rather live without Sector’s.” Her lips pulled down into a frown. “I agree with Aden.” Liam said, for once sounding completely serious. “I hate the Sector’s. I hate how I have classes with some people one day, then with other people that I don’t know the next. I would love to be able to run in the streets, to yell, to swear
 But The Master’s have completely forbidden that. I want them gone.” Even in the darkness, Aden could tell that his fists were clenched and he was tense. Tobias put his head in his hands. “We can’t always get what we want.” He murmured, giving Celeste’s hand a squeeze. “Maybe one day a rebellion will rise, but that is not right now. Children, you three must be careful who you tell and how you move, alright? I want you three to live not to die. Jake will be fine, we will find him. Just leave it up to your mother
” He trailed off, yawning. “You all have school and things to do tomorrow. You need to go to bed before you have to wake up in about three more hours.” Standing up, he arched his back and headed towards the stairs. “Goodnight.” Celeste stood as well. “Goodnight, children.” She said, following Tobias up the stairs and leaving her children alone. As soon as they were gone, Liam burst. “Why didn’t you tell us that you were an Agent as well?” He hissed as he stared at Aden, his blue eyes luminous in the dark. They were hypnotic. “I thought that you trusted us
 Obviously not.” As if offended, he turned away from her. Tyler rolled his eyes. “Liam, relax.” He said, letting a hand fall onto his brother’s shoulder. “She doesn’t have to tell us everything. You found out by accident that I was an Agent, yet I found out that you were an Agent because you came at me, crying. Our sister is brave, Liam. She was trying to handle this on her own.” He let go of Liam’s shoulder, arching his back before heading towards the stairs too. “Goodnight, you two. You need to sleep.” Then he was gone. Aden stood up as well. “You need to get over it, Liam. I’m trying to work through this on my own terms. It’s hard for me, I didn’t ask for this. Don’t expect me to tell you every aspect of my life because I won’t. I love you, but there are some things that I will be keeping to myself.” She didn’t stick around to hear her brother’s reply, quickly going up the stairs and disappearing into her room. A shaky breath left her lips, and she quickly sank down to her knees. The first thing she did was hold up her mattress, grabbing the diary and then letting the mattress fall. It was light enough in her room to read without turning on a light, so she flipped open to the first page. Entry #1 12:09 AM July 3rd, 2016. I don’t know how long the war has been going on for, or for how long it’s been tearing through our home. I don’t know how long we can continue to survive
 But, I know this, we will make it until the end. I hope this book gets into someone’s grasp, someone who will take care of it and understand what I am talking about. Now that we have that out of the way, let me tell you my name. My name is Elizabeth Taylor, lead scientist at this military base. I have been working on Experiment 10982A, also known as: ‘Agent’. Wondering what an Agent is? Well, it’s supposed to be a way for us to win this war without violence. Of course the Agent’s are still a major work in progress, they are
 Unusually violent. But then again, I’m not violent, am I? They have a wild side that I admire, that I want to harness and make it so that they can feed off of it. I have made it so that there is a way to tell the Agent’s apart from everyone else. I altered some of the Agent DNA so that some of their veins would rise out of their skin, yet spread across their torso. I made it so that the middle of their spine turned dark—like a spider’s body. I don’t know why, I just thought it would be cool if it looked like it was a spider tattoo. Don’t judge me—it was a rash and quick decision. But, like always, something went wrong. The veins turned hard and started to pulse with a power I didn’t give them. It seems that someone knocked something else into the serum, something that wasn’t supposed to be there in the first place. I’m worried that it’ll change things up
 But for now it seems to be working just fine. I have tried to get them to be soft, to extract the power
 But it hasn’t worked. I do not know what I should do, so I left it. From what I have seen, I like them better with this power than without it. Just yesterday I altered my DNA to match theirs. Last night, while I was asleep, I woke up with blinding pains coming from my spine, yet it felt like smooth liquid—yet still painful—was running through my body. In under two minutes, it was gone. When I checked, I had the same Mark’s as my experiments did. I got very excited, yet chose to keep quiet about it. I’m happy that the Mark’s are so easy to cover up; I would be most likely dead right now if they weren’t. There is no record of me being anything but human in the system either—so that makes me happy as well. While I was preforming tests today, I also did a few on myself. I figured out that we are stronger; mentally and physically. We are quicker with figuring out puzzles and can are very athletic
 But are we enough to be used in a war? I have my doubts there of course, others do as well. From what I can tell, we aren’t violent. I seemed to have fixed that, which makes me feel happy yet worried at the same time. We are gentle, but have tempers. We’re the same as everyone else; just physically and mentally enhanced. I can’t wait to see if it is genetic
 But I haven’t gotten that far in my experiments just yet. I wish that I could have some influence on the Government’s decisions. I know that the wind of change is on the air. That something is going to happen and bring this war to a halting stop. I just hope that the Agent’s have a place in this new world. I’m afraid for them, truly, I am. Something could happen; they could be all executed and I don’t want that to happen. I’ve put so much work into them, so much time and effort, I don’t want to see it all go to waste. From what I can tell, the government isn’t happy with the progress with the Agent’s. I fear that they’ll shut it down before this experiment even has the chance to bloom. They seem so touchy these days
 I did something, something that I probably shouldn’t have done. In case of an emergency, I made it so that they have somewhere to go—a home, a place where they can be free. I gave them new names, hid things that will change their appearance
 I just hope it never comes down to that. If it ever does, then things in this world have really gone to hell. I’m hoping we don’t resort to that. I’m praying
 I’m afraid. -Elizabeth Taylor Curiously, Aden traced her pointer finger over Elizabeth’s name, letting out a low breath of air. Elizabeth was the start of the Taylor family being Agent’s. She had been the one to create Agent’s. She was a genius. Yet she was afraid of her world, afraid of her government. She sounded petrified in her writing. Elizabeth had a right to be afraid, as did Aden. A wave of fatigue crashed over Aden, causing her to yawn and close the diary. She had read enough for now, yet something told her that she should keep reading, to find out what happened to Elizabeth and her experiments. “I can sleep, or I can continue to read
” Frowning, she rubbed at her temples and leaning against the bed again. “You need to sleep.” Said Tyler, who was leaning against her doorframe. His arms were folded over his chest, his hazel eyes serious. “You have school tomorrow—and I don’t want you coming home early because you fell asleep in class. Plus you look like you’re going to pass out any minute now. I suggest you sleep, I’m serious, Aden. The passing out during class thing is not okay. Mom and dad would kill you. They almost killed me once when I did it
 Sleep, now.” His gaze traveled from her face to the book in her lap, arching one eyebrow. “Jake gave that to you?” Reluctantly, Aden nodded. “Yeah. He said that it would help be better understand what we are.” Shrugging, she laughed. “It just makes me even more confused about everything. Did you ever read it? Did you know that Elizabeth is our ancestor?” She lifted her mattress, stuffing the book underneath it before letting it fall. “I need to look up our family tree or something, I should have known who Elizabeth was.” She groaned, standing up and arching her back. “Why are you in here, anyway?” Tyler grinned, rolling his eyes. “I could hear you turning the pages. You’re not exactly quiet, you know.” He yawned, and shook his head. “No, I chose not to read it. Instead Jake explained everything to me. I won’t spoil it; just make sure you keep that hidden. I think mom would die if she found that. Oh—you might want to change your hiding spot. Under the mattress is kinda obvious.” And with that, he stepped out of her room and shut the door. Huffing, Aden pulled the book out from under the mattress and frowned. Where would she keep it? She twirled around in a circle, grinning as she headed towards her dresser, pushing it aside quietly and sliding it into the crack between the wall and the dresser. She looked proud of herself as she plopped down on her bed, running her hands through her hair tiredly. Now that Tyler had mentioned it, she was very tired. But she couldn’t help but worry for Jake. She just had to hope that wherever he was—he was safe. That no one had found out about him and killed him before she had managed to ask her questions, and managed to learn more from him
 She had to believe that he was safe, that he would be okay
 There was still this nagging doubt that told her that her hope was stupid; that holding on to her prayers was just plain stupid. How could she let go of them? She loved Jake so much, and now that they shared so much
 She had to know
 She had to figure out what was going to happen, she had to see if he was okay. That was when she fell asleep, dreaming of finding Jake’s body and watching her grieving family.
Posted on: Wed, 03 Dec 2014 02:45:46 +0000

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